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08:56 PM
Hello Bansal, Thanks for your reply. the statement returned nothing. I think i figured out what the issue is. no agent listening to that port. when flume listens, telnet works. When I start the Flume agent and when the agent is running/listening to the port 2222 in localhost, my telnet works without any issues. as soon as i kill my flume agent , telnet stops working. looks like I got some understanding on how flume agent works. will continue my learning .. Thanks, Ram
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05:50 PM
I was learning flume agent. my flume agent was listening to localhost and port 2222. I was able to telnet successfully and see the logs captured by flume agent. Suddently I noticed, some messages (jobs stopped. Reset Adapter). After that I am not able to telnet to localhost port 2222. I tried from scratch, removing sandbox and import it again. I still have the same problem. Now I am stuck with telnet issue and doesnt know how to troubleshoot or fix the issue. I tried all the possibilities, import the sandbox, again, check network settings, cable connected, port forwarding. no luck. can some one help me get rid of this. I
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- Labels:
Apache Flume