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09:04 PM
1 Kudo
Hi @Rachel Rui Liu, This can perform this with two solutions. 1. Using the log back filter mechanism, For
the Audit logs which has forbidden access -> you can see “result”:1 in the
response. Which
mean we can configure the log back settings in nifi properties (where as log4j
in kafka ). Here
I am giving the code snippet for the same ( may need to modify accordingly) <filter
class="ch.qos.logback.core.filter.EvaluatorFilter"> <evaluator> <!-- defaults to
type ch.qos.logback.classic.boolex.JaninoEventEvaluator --> <expression>return
message.contains('"result":1');</expression> </evaluator> <OnMismatch>DENY</OnMismatch> <OnMatch>NEUTRAL</OnMatch> </filter> so
your nifi-node-logback-env file will have the following snippet <appender
<file>${org.apache.nifi.bootstrap.config.log.dir}/ranger_nifi_audit.log</file> <rollingPolicy
<maxHistory>30</maxHistory> </rollingPolicy>
<immediateFlush>true</immediateFlush> <filter
class="ch.qos.logback.core.filter.EvaluatorFilter"> <evaluator> <!-- defaults to
type ch.qos.logback.classic.boolex.JaninoEventEvaluator --> <expression>return
message.contains('"result":1');</expression> </evaluator> <OnMismatch>DENY</OnMismatch> <OnMatch>NEUTRAL</OnMatch> </filter> <encoder
class="ch.qos.logback.classic.encoder.PatternLayoutEncoder"> <pattern>%date %level
[%thread] %logger{40} %msg%n</pattern> </encoder> </appender> in case of log4j that would be regular expression filter <RegexFilter regex=".*\"result\" \: 1.*" onMatch="ACCEPT" onMismatch="DENY"/> More on This can be found at log4j and logback 2. Using the out of the box solution
with simple shell script whchi will grep the result:1 lines and remev rest of
all on periodic interval sed
'/”result”:1/!d' <logfile> Hope this helps !!
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07:40 AM
Hi, Jay, thanks for your reply. Problem solved using curl and change the payload a little bit. I followed the instruction documented at, And I noticed the difference when I switching the tools. When using Postman, I have to add ":" when trigger the GET request to get blueprint, so my url is like http://testambarihost:8080/api/v1/clusters/:mycluster?format=blueprint And if I change the url to http://testambarihost:8080/api/v1/clusters/mycluster?format=blueprint I will get below exception { "status" : 404, "message" : "The requested resource doesn't exist: Cluster not found, clusterName=mycluster" } When using curl, no ":" is needed, and the post request you've mentioned works. BTW, another modification I found required, the response body I get from step one, I need to manually remove the top level wrapper which wraps the blueprint as array items, after removing the top level wrapper of the body, I can post without issue.
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10:05 AM
@Rachel Rui Liu
Good to know that you are able to run the mpack upgrade file now, Without any issue. If you are not facing any issue now then can you please mark this thread as answered by clicking on the "Accept" link.
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