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11:06 AM
1 Kudo
Hi @Harjinder Brar concat('{', u.swid ,'}') will concatenate bracs with the value from u.swid. For Example if the value of u.swid is TEST then it will be converted to {TEST} which will be used to join with o.swid column. Hope it Helps!!
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03:24 PM
4 Kudos
@Harjinder Brar 1. You will have access to Ambari only to monitor your cluster and say start or stop a service. 2. You will not have access to any of the Ambari Views like Pig View, Hive View, HDFS Files View etc. 3. You will have to execute all your tasks using the terminal. 4. It is recommended that you practice on the same version of HDP that you are going to get in the exam. Small version changes can lead to lot of problems. For example - in a lower version of Pig, you have to explicitly cast values when using FOREACH generate statement, but in higher versions of Pig it is not needed. It is better to get used to the exam version and avoid any time/effort wastage during the exam. 5. The practice exam is your best resource to give you a feel of the environment. 6. If you have finished all the related tutorials available in Hortonworks Tutorial site then you should be good. Just practice by altering scenarios in those tutorials, create your own questions on those data sets to play around and practice. Ensure you have covered all objectives for HDPCD: Here are a few tips that will help you in the exam - 1. Type your commands using a system editor program like gedit and then copy one line at a time into your terminal. This way you will stop where the error occurs and also you will be able to see any syntactical errors when you first type your commands in gedit instead of directly on the terminal. 2. When doing Pig or Hive tasks, if the question does not asks you to use a specific execution engine, then always prefer to use tez so that your jobs complete faster than when using MapReduce In hive session, set exection engine as tez: hive> set hive.execution.engine = tez; To open pig session with execution engine as tez, type following in your terminal: pig -x tez 3. Read the questions properly, don't rush to start writing the solution. The questions are very easy but their will be fine details that one may miss and ending up not scoring on that task. For example, in a hurry you may miss reading a certain part which could indicate that you need to add multiple conditions to your where clause or filter statements in hive/pig. So even though you may have executed task with no error, it will give incorrect answer and you will loose a point. Wish you all the best!
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