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3225 | 07-21-2016 08:02 PM |
12:12 AM
@Hans Feldmann - You are hitting a known bug in MiNiFi 0.4.0: - Fix is part of MiNiFi 0.5.0 or you can roll back to MiNiFi 0.3.0 which i understand works as well. - Thank you, Matt
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07:36 AM
1 Kudo
@Hans FeldmannThe best thing to explain this is to take an example. Let's say that you want to add an attribute city with a SimpleKVLookupService. And you will be doing the lookup by an attribute id_store (look at this article to understand the logic behind this use case).
You need to configure LookupAttribute as follows: This means that the processor will use the value of the attribute id_store as a key and query the lookupservice. the returned value will be added as an attribute city. Here's the result: Of course, the flow file should have the attribute id_store before going in LookupAttribute. And here's the content of the SimpleKVLookupService I hope this helps
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09:06 PM
Sorry same error.
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06:03 PM
I like Bryan's suggestion. That's a good model for IoT as well with remote notes messaging in. You could have send messages between outside cluster and an inside secure cluster via MQTT, JMS, Kafka, SiteToSite. Then just one port and one controller set of IPs communicating with each other. An IoT or security gateway.
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09:15 PM
Why don't you use this tool:
JSON to SQL, it will automatically flatten the JSON data for you, so there's no extra work or coding required.
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08:33 PM
1 Kudo
@Hans Feldmann The individual processors allow for concurrent task changes. By default they all have one concurrent task. For each additional concurrent task, you are giving that processor the opportunity to request an additional thread from the NiFi controller to do work in parallel. (Think of it as two copies of the same processor doing working different files or batches of files). If there isn't sufficient files in the incoming queue then any additional concurrent tasks are not utilized. The flip side is if you allocate two many concurrent tasks to a single processor, that processor may itself end up using two many threads from the NiFi controller's resource pull resulting in a thread starvation to other processors. So star with the default and setup by one increment at a time in place of backlog in your flow. The NiFi controller also has a setting that limits the maximum number of threads it can use from the underlying hardware. This is the other thing Andrew was mentioning. A restart of NiFi is NOT needed when you make changes to these values. The defaults are low (10 timer driven and 5 event driven). I would set the timer driven to no more then double the number of cores your hardware has. Thanks, Matt
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06:49 PM
Sorry I did not get this to work in xQuery. I ended up using XSLT to do the transformation.
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08:02 PM
Doh, found the problem, I forgot I was in the Java world where things are case sensetive, and Oracle which is not 😞
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