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04:14 PM
Thanks for the response @Kuldeep Kulkarni. I followed the exact same approach you explained in your blog. The only difference was that we had tez as our execution engine for hive. Anyhow, I tried this first and it didn't work. It is because I believe that I am changing the execution engine to mr with in the hive CLI which is late because hive attempts to launch Tez AppMaster when we attempt to launch the CLI itself even before running the query. hive -e "SET hive.execution.engine=mr; SET mapreduce.job.credentials.binary=${HADOOP_TOKEN_FILE_LOCATION}; select MAX(update_time) from test_db.test_table;" -S
Then, I changed my command to include hiveconf so that I am changing my execution engine to mr even before Hive attempts to launch the Tez AppMaster. This one worked!!! hive -e "SET mapreduce.job.credentials.binary=${HADOOP_TOKEN_FILE_LOCATION}; select MAX(update_time) from test_db.test_table;" -S --hiveconf hive.execution.engine=mr
I also tried other options as well which are listed below. These didn't work either. hive -e "select MAX(update_time) from test_db.test_table;" -S --hiveconf tez.credentials.path=${HADOOP_TOKEN_FILE_LOCATION}
hive -e "SET tez.credentials.path=${HADOOP_TOKEN_FILE_LOCATION}; select MAX(update_time) from test_db.test_table;" -S
I am curious to understand why passing the credentials to Tez won't work. Are you aware of any existing open apache bug for this? Understanding this better will help me in future. Thanks again.
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