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08:02 AM
Thanks a lot @Timothy Spann ! I will check it up 🙂
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08:02 AM
I see, @vkumar . Thanks!
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05:40 AM
2 Kudos
I have gotten the HDP 2.5 Sandbox. I am trying to use Zeppelin but I see that a lot of interpreters that were "included" in HDP 2.4 are not available anymore. How does one add a hive interpreter to Zeppelin?
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- Labels:
Apache Hive
Apache Zeppelin
03:30 PM
@Pierre Villard , I understand now. It is like you say a fairly simple situation. I have sent the adming an email requesting a permanent Queue to be defined. Do you recommend the Exchange to be set as "Direct" as well? or it is the same if it is defined as "topic"?
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01:26 PM
This is still cracking my nuts 😛 ...
I have been in contact with the admin on the Publisher side. He has told me I can create my own Queue when I bind to the Exchange (like I do in my Scala script / connector). I can use any binding key or just "#" to filter events. If I have more than one process / instance I can use the same Queue name (that's what I do in NiFi when running simultaneously my Scala script and NiFi doesn't give errors, and runs tasks but without Reading a single byte), or I can leave an empty Queue and RabbitMQ automatically creates the name for me...
Still the Exchange is of the "topic" kind and non-durable. I just don't know how to create the Queue and bind it to the Exchange within NiFi, it looks like it should be easy but I just don't see how...
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12:54 PM
@Pierre Villard, my Scala script is just consuming from the remote stream (remote publisher). I am sure from the configurations for the Rabbit Connector I was given that the queue is not durable. I will contact the admins on the remote server / Publisher to see if it is possible to change the configs to a durable queue. Thanks a lot for Your help!
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12:51 PM
Yes, @ozhurakousky ! I think you are right, the queue is set to auto-deletion ... I will be contacting the admins on the Publisher side 🙂 thank you!
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12:23 PM
@ozhurakousky, I am not able to run the Python script against the server (due to their security set-up). The exchange and queue are however defined: I ran a script on Scala that invoques the Rabbit Connector I have, where the exchange is declared together with the queue. Weirdly enough, once the scrip was running I started the ConsumeAMQP processor in NiFi: As you can see, there are no error Messages, the processor is able to Connect With the given queue once I am running the Scala script. Still there is no read / Write Activity: I have also Attached a "PutHDFS" procesor Connected to the ConsumeAMQP processor but it makes no difference...
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