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02:45 AM
1 Kudo
That's excellent info, thanks Tim and mqureshi for sharing. It sounds like splitting the ZK's are the way to go. mqureshi, your assumptions are pretty on par except that we are using Kafka as well pretty heavily. We've seen funkiness happen (processing slow downs like Storm waiting on HBase) when there is a lot of concurrent actively on the cluster from the various components. Interesting on the Ambari JIRA - hopefully that is in the queue to get fixed soon! When is 3.0 supposed to be out again? 🙂 Thanks again for the insight!!!
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06:57 PM
3 Kudos
Hi all, We run a few hundred nodes of HDP including HDFS, Yarn, HBase, Storm and Kafka primarily. Currently we have 5 zookeeper nodes of which all the components utilize. We've seen recommendations to split the 5 ZK nodes into two quorums (perhaps one for hbase, another for storm). In addition, we've seen recommendations to stick with one quorum and beef up the number of ZK nodes. What is the consensus across the community on the best way to go? Vote now or forever hold your peace! Also how is Ambari effected if going the "multi" route? Thanks a bunch!
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