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8903 | 07-10-2018 05:31 PM | |
1639 | 06-12-2018 06:52 PM |
06:01 PM
@Xianshun Chen I tried on my sandbox and this password works for me. [root@sandbox-hdp ~]# mysql -uroot -phadoop -hlocalhost
Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 8
Server version: 5.6.39 MySQL Community Server (GPL)
You can try the following link to reset mysql password.
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05:46 PM
@Michael Bronson Is not an obligation but if you are using a swap your process will be slower, is very recommend that you disable your swap and THP as follow.
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12:13 PM
@Anjali Shevadkar you are right, that's why I asked you to check hive cli, so, seems to be some configuration in your ranger. Did you try to connect using ZK hosts on your connection string? I suggest you check this following document, check the permissions on HDFS. Let me know if this works for you. Make sure the user that you configure as the same as the unix user (or ldap, whatever). Try to configure another user to test. Another important thing, check the permissions on your HDFS, because when you are using ranger you need to change the owner/group and permissions
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05:48 PM
@Anurag Mishra can you check your kerberos ticket? # klist -e
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05:48 PM
@Anurag Mishra can you check your kerberos ticket? # klist -e
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05:31 PM
@Vinit Pandey I suggest on your HDFS server you start a process (using shellscript for example) to execute kinit and after that, get these remote files using sftp or scp example # scp user@remoteserver:/remotepath/files localpath/ and # hdfs dfs -put localpath/files /hdfspath Note: To automate this process you can create a private/public ssh between these servers and create a crontab entry.
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05:22 PM
Did you already try to use hive directly instead of hue? Are you using ranger? If yes, have you check the policies?
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05:05 PM
@Anjali Shevadkar If you do the same thing using hive cli instead beeline, can you see the databases? Can other people see something? In my case I am used to use the connection as below: beeline -u "jdbc:hive2://zookeeperfqdn1:2181,zookeeperfqdn2:2181,zookeeperfqdn3:2181/;serviceDiscoveryMode=zooKeeper;zooKeeperNamespace=hiveserver2" Try use ZK FQDN instead hiveserver2 fqdn.
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07:06 PM
@Adi Jabkowsky Hi there. The main benefit using MTU 9000 is because hadoop works better with large files and you can transfer larger packages than use MTU 1500 (default). I think for detailed results you can use iperf tool. I found some best practices too. I hope this helps.
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06:52 PM
@Vinay K I Had this problem before, doing a research I found something related to "When you use MapReduce Process, all of your machines needs to establish a communication" even this DB that you mentioned. I´m not sure if you can do this without public IP. I Suggest you, use a machine (that can communicate with your network and have a floating IP) as a "stage area" and then proceed using mapreduce process, or if possible you can check if you are able to create an internal network on this DB machine to create this communication. I hope I could help you.
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