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04:19 PM
In case, you get below error, make sure you use Nifi host FQDN in API call and NOT IP address. Also, make sure DNS is configured correctly. <body><h2>HTTP ERROR 401</h2>
<p>Problem accessing /nifi-api/access/kerberos. Reason:
<pre> Unauthorized</pre>
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06:56 PM
@Harish Vaibhav Kali - Once a processor is assigned a UUID that processor will keep that UUID unless you delete and re-add that processor. - All processors within a single NiFi cluster will be running an identical flow.xml.gz. - I am guessing you are creating templates and then importing these into different NiFi instances? Templates do not preserve UUIDs. Each time you instantiate a template, all the components will get a new UUID. - If you are trying to version control flows across multiple independent NiFi installations, you will want to take a look at using the nifi-registry for this. As of Apache NiFi 1.5.0, nifi-registry and version controlling flows were introduced. In the latest Apache NiFi releases with nifi-registry 0.2, these version controlled flows can even be pushed to Git. - Using nifi-registry will allow independent NiFi instances the ability to push and pull version controlled flows. - - Thank you, Matt
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01:46 PM
I have NIFI API Link But dont understand how to use it? How do you know when to stop NIFI Job.. i mean how do you know all processors have processed the data? Could you please share the documentation if any about it.
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01:05 PM
@Harish Vaibhav Kali - This thread is kinda moving off topic form the original question which has been answered. It is probably best to start a new question. - That being said, what you are showing me looks to be correct functionality provided the following is true: ---> When NiFi was started for the first time there was no pre-existing flow.xml.gz. For a brand new secure flow, providing the "Initial Admin Identity" gives that user access to get into the UI and to manage users, groups and policies. But if that user wants to start modifying the flow, they need to grant themselves policies for the root process group. The system is unable to do this automatically because in a new flow the UUID of the root process group is not permanent until the flow.xml.gz is generated. If the NiFi instance is an upgrade from an existing flow.xml.gz or a 1.x instance going from unsecure to secure, then the "Initial Admin Identity" user is automatically given the privileges to modify the flow. - Also keep in mind that if the users.xml and authorizations.xml files do not exist and you have configured both the "initial admin Identity" and provided a legacy "authorized-users.xml" file, Nifi will fail to start. That is because the initial seeding of the users.xml and authorizations.xml files can be done via one or the other, but not both. - Thank you, Matt
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