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09:05 AM
1 Kudo
@Bal P
I tried replicating your error on my kerberized cluster, the only difference I used a HDFS path for user hive /user/hive other than a local FS in your case '/home/abc/Sample' and the database was created hive> create database if not exists practice comment "This database was created for practice purpose" location '/home/hive/test' with dbproperties('Date'='2018-07-15','created by'='Developer','Email'=''); Output of created database
$ hdfs dfs -ls /user/hive
Found 3 items
drwx------ - hive hdfs 0 2018-07-14 20:00 /user/hive/.Trash
drwxr-xr-x - hive hdfs 0 2018-07-12 16:37 /user/hive/.hiveJars
drwxr-xr-x - hive hdfs 0 2018-07-15 10:25 /user/hive/test
And when I run the describe all looked perfect !!!!
Hive works on top of the hadoop meaning it uses the hdfs for storage,by default it stores all databases in /apps/hive/warehouse/* unless in the table creation one uses the clause external keyword to point to an alternative path. Can you confirm that you have this path in hdfs ? /abcdhdfs/apps/hive/warehouse HTH
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09:37 PM
@Bal P For avro data file schema will be embedded and you want to write all the fields in CSV format so we don't need to setup the registry. if you are writing only specific columns not all and for other formats JSON.. then schema registry is required
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