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1579 | 09-22-2017 07:13 PM |
06:12 PM
@Nixon Rodrigues I have tried adding ranger policies for atlas service however there is something I am doing wrong, probably I will ask as a different question. Thanks a lot and appreciate your help. Dhieru
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07:07 PM
@Nixon Rodrigues After adding the user in atlas-simple-authz-policy.json and chnaging the property atlas.authorizer.impl = simple worked from me it is working now. Thanks a lot for your help. However please do explain how it worked because I am confused after searching a lot in the community. Thanks dhieru
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06:59 PM
@Nixon Rodrigues Thanks a lot for the help yes it did help I am using HDP3.1 sandbox. I went ahead and added the user holger_gov in the userRoles section as shown below however I am not able to see the metadata of hive tables and lineage in Atlas UI. The Atlas UI looks like below In addition when I searched in this community, they advised to run, when I did that, I receive the following error using "holger_gov" as user using "admin" as user Is this related to ranger? when I to hdfs dfs -ls /user I do not see holger_gov user, but then admin is there so admin should work. Do I need to change the below property from ambari ? from ranger to simple atlas.authorizer.impl = simple? at present it is ranger I am confused now apologies for long winded question Thanks for your help!
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03:24 PM
@Nixon Rodrigues I was able to add the user holger_gov in the file. For users having the same issue, they need to edit the file using vi or any editor holger_gov=<ROLE YOU want to give>::<sha256sum of the password> in order to generate the sha256sum use the below command in *nix terminal echo -n "yourpassword" | sha256sum it will give you some output like below 4d20573d20756b4b2cd80e41def04b52907710000b038f0f901d4b568e254fc6 - copy the sum till 6 leave out the space and - (dash) and paste it in the files. Restart you ATLAS server from ambari, and it will work Thanks again to @Nixon Rodrigues Another question? Do I also need to cretae and add policy-store.txt , as of now I do not have any such file in the directory /usr/hdp/current/atlas-server/conf/. Thanks Dhieru
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02:33 PM
@Nixon Rodrigues Thanks for the response, appreciate your help No there is no holger_gov in the file. Attached is the image how do I add the user holger_gov in here?
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09:41 PM
Hi All, I am working on HDP sandbox and trying to login into ATLAS UI with user holger_gov and same as password however it give me invalid credentials. Looked for a solution on this community however it did not fix my issue chnaged the authorizer to simple and restarted but did not work so changed it back to ranger and tried again. I see that atlas user is in the OS shown in screenshots Some of the screenshots detailing my situation are shown below please need any help Thanks Dhieru
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- Labels:
Apache Atlas
10:45 PM
Hi All, I installed winlogbeat on windows, and wanted to ship logs using ListenBeats in nifi. However when I check output of winlogbeat there is nothing to stream to tcp or udp.Only options are Elasticsearch ,Logstash, Kafka, Redis, File, Console, Cloud. Any way to stream to tcp port so that listenbeats can listen on the port. Thanks in advance dhieru
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
06:50 PM
@dbains thanks a lot appreciate it, face palm should have read the documentation before asking the questions apologies
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02:28 PM
Hi All,
Thanks a lot for all the help.
Is there any way to reset kafka offsets from CLI. This link resets all the topics Thanks Dhieru
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- Labels:
Apache Kafka
07:37 PM
make sure that you install only Nifi on these nodes. Do not club Kafka and zookeeper on nifi nodes. This will imporve network i/o performance. Dhieru
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