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04:18 PM
@mburgess Helpful information shared. I am using Nifi 1.7.1 For my case, the incremental fetching does not seem to work correctly. All records gets ingested from the database but do not make it all the way to the destination. Processor used is GenerateTableFetch then Execute SQL and the other corresponding processors down the data processing flow. Record id is captured correctly on the GenerateTableFetch property state and its up to date as the record id from the source (db). However, it will still miss some records when processing the files making the number of records on the destination out of sync with the source from the db. Am i missing something, Would scheduling times for fetching help and how can I do that?
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03:24 AM
This could be permission issue. you can see the hive server2 log for the error. Log will be in /var/log/hive on the node to which you connect the hive
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07:46 AM
Hi Geoffrey , Thanks for the suggestion . I am using ORC format for both table. it is only the sequence of the column that is causing the issue . EG: A(name string,sal decimal(3,2),DOB timestamp) B(name String , DOB Date, sal decimal(3,2)) When i insert data from B to A using a select query i am getting this error. if i drop table A and create it in the same sequence as of B it works fine. Is there a solution which can be applied here to force hive to insert data based on name of column instead their Sequence .
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