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09:58 PM
So I was scratching my head a lot too on finding out what "blessed" UDF is supposed to mean. Luckily I was able to make UDFs work on LLAP. Some findings: Even if you're able to create UDFs using Hive shell (non-LLAP), invoking the functions on LLAP mode, will not work. You can invoke functions on non-LLAP sessions only. Executing `create function` scripts using LLAP connection(JDBC) and then invoking them immediately will not work. They won't even show when doing a `show functions;` command. Below are the steps I did to make it work on LLAP: 1. Write drop & create functions using JDBC and execute the same using Hive LLAP jdbc connection After executing above java application, you will not see your functions created yet (if you'd check it on Hive shell using `show functions;`) 2. Restart HiveServer2 Interactive and HiveServer2 on Ambari as shown: 3. After successful restart, connect to Hive shell and do a 'show functions;'. Voila! Your UDFs now appear as you wish. 4. After that, you should already be able to invoke your UDFs in LLAP mode Above steps worked for me using HDP 3 HTH, Kenneth
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