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02:01 PM
Hi, Thank you all for the responses. Works as expected. I do have another question though, more advice than anything. So I can now import data from SQL Server to Hive but if I want to apply business logic to my data how do you think I'm best doing this. Only something simple for now I think. Shall I do it; 1. In the import, so query the data rather than a table in my import and have some logic there. 2. Import it to HIVE as I have done and then do something there. 3. Do something else. Any pointers would be appreciated. Thanks, Nic.
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02:30 PM
Hi, I wondered if someone could point me in the right direction. I've imported some data (4 rows) into HDFS via Sqoop using the command below; sqoop import --connect "jdbc:sqlserver://ipaddress:port;database=dbname;user=username;password=userpassword" --table policy --target-dir "/user/maria_dev/data/SQLImport" This worked correctly and gave me 5 files; part-m-00000, part-m-00001, part-m-00002, part-m-00003 and _Success Given there are 4 rows in my table and 4 part files I assume each is a row plus the success file. Where I need some help is with; 1. Understanding what these are? Are they AVRO files? 2. How can I create a Hive 'table' over the top of these, like I would by using the upload button in Ambari? Making accessible to Hive Querying?
Any help or pointers would be massively appreciated. Thanks, Nic
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- Labels:
Apache Hive
Apache Sqoop
09:53 AM
That did the job for me. Thanks again.
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04:21 PM
Thanks for confirming that, I'll give it a try on Monday, have a great weekend. Nic
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03:02 PM
Hi, my ultimate goal is to get some data from SQL Server and import it to HDFS, after discussions with others they have
said I am best extracting the data with Sqoop to AVRO files and then creating a HIVE table based on them. So to do this I'm
starting at the beginnning. Step 1 getting Sqoop to connect to the table, at this point it doesn't have to do anything with it. In Step 2 I'll worry about
extract it AVRO files So I put together the following command sqoop import --connect "jdbc:sqlserver://<SQLSERVER>:1433;database=sandbox;user=hdfsuser;password=hdfspassword" --table policy And Scoop goes off to try and do it but then I get the following back Could not load db driver class:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not load db driver class: Does this mean that I need to install it as detailed here; Or am I barking up the wrong tree. I'm having to do a Hadoop POC all on my own so having you all to bounce my ideas off and get help
from is a real plus so thanks for taking the time to read all this and any help would be massively appreciated by me. Thanks,
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- Labels:
Apache Sqoop
08:59 AM
Thank you both for the responses. Greatly appreciate both. Kuldeep - That worked perfectly Daniel - Very useful to know, I'm sure it will end up being used down the line.
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02:47 PM
1 Kudo
Hi, I'm currently working through tutorial Section 2.2.10 - Beeline As instructed I do the following 1. Run Putty 2. Login as maria_dev 3. run 'sudo su hive' (su hive just asks me for a password and I've tried maria_dev's and roots with no luck) 4. run 'beeline' 5. beeline starts and I get the version number and the prompt changes to beeline> But then no matter what I run I get the message back 'No current connection'. Even if I run 'quit;'
The steps in the tutorial seem pretty basic so I dont know where I'm going wrong. Any ideas? Thanks,
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- Labels:
Apache Hive
04:24 PM
Thanks, I did the sudo su hive got a bit of text and then got told maria_dev is not in the sudoers_file. So now I just need to get maria_dev in there. Alternatively as you say, connecting as root allowed me to run su hive. Thanks for your super fast reply.
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04:04 PM
Hi all, I'm working my way through the tutorial I'm on section 2.2.10 Beeline – Command Shell and I do the following; 1. Open Putty and connect to the server using maria_dev, this works fine 2. I then run su hive and I get asked for the password. I'm confused as to who's password it wants, I've entered the root password,maria_dev's password but it keeps saying "su: incorrect password" Any thoughts on where I've gone wrong? My only other option is to reset my VM and start over. Any help would be hugely appreciated. Thanks, Nic
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- Labels:
Apache Hive
08:28 AM
Thanks again Artem for your response and anyone else who took the time read it.
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