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02:15 AM
Thank you very much!It's running now! And one more question: How could I index the rows in hbase before hbase-indexer add-index? I know there's a command with lily lily-update-index -n nameOfYourIndex --build-state BUILD_REQUESTED What should I suppose to do with Cloudera Search?
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07:46 PM
Hi I tried setting up the HBASE indexer following the guidelines, but didn't see any indexed documents. Using CM4.7 Search1.0.0 And the steps below: Added the Indexer Service to the Cluster and the Morphlines File is: SOLR_LOCATOR : {
# Name of solr collection
collection : hbase-collection1
# ZooKeeper ensemble
zkHost : "$ZK_HOST"
morphlines : [
id : morphline
importCommands : ["com.cloudera.**", "com.ngdata.**"]
commands : [
extractHBaseCells {
mappings : [
inputColumn : "data:*"
outputField : "data"
type : string
source : value
{ logDebug { format : "output record: {}", args : ["@{}"] } }
] and ks_indexer starts successfully then enabled replication on HBase column families. created a corresponding SolrCloud collection with following command line: $ solrctl instancedir --generate $HOME/hbase-collection1
$ solrctl instancedir --create hbase-collection1 $HOME/hbase-collection1
$ solrctl collection --create hbase-collection1 created an HBase Indexer configuration: $ cat $HOME/morphline-hbase-mapper.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<indexer table="record" mapper="com.ngdata.hbaseindexer.morphline.MorphlineResultToSolrMapper">
<!-- The relative or absolute path on the local file system to the morphline configuration file. -->
<!-- Use relative path "morphlines.conf" for morphlines managed by Cloudera Manager
<param name="morphlineFile" value="/etc/hbase-solr/conf/morphlines.conf"/>
<!-- The optional morphlineId identifies a morphline if there are multiple morphlines in morphlines.conf -->
<!-- <param name="morphlineId" value="morphline1"/> -->
</indexer> created a Morphline Configuration File $ cat /etc/hbase-solr/conf/morphlines.conf
morphlines : [
id : morphline1
importCommands : ["com.cloudera.cdk.morphline.**", "com.ngdata.**"]
commands : [
extractHBaseCells {
mappings : [
inputColumn : "data:*"
outputField : "data"
type : string
source : value
# inputColumn : "data:item"
# outputField : "attachment_body"
# type : "byte[]"
# source : value
#for avro use with type : "byte[]" in extractHBaseCells mapping above
#{ readAvroContainer {} }
# extractAvroPaths {
# paths : {
# data : /user_name
# }
# }
{ logTrace { format : "output record: {}", args : ["@{}"] } }
] Registered an HBase Indexer configuration with the HBase Indexer Service hbase-indexer add-indexer \
--name myIndexer \
--indexer-conf $HOME/morphline-hbase-mapper.xml \
--connection-param solr.zk=localhost:2181/solr \
--connection-param solr.collection=hbase-collection1 \
--zookeeper localhost:2181 #hbase-indexer list-indexers myindex + Lifecycle state: ACTIVE + Incremental indexing state: SUBSCRIBE_AND_CONSUME + Batch indexing state: INACTIVE + SEP subscription ID: null + SEP subscription timestamp: 2013-10-14T19:00:36.262+08:00 + Connection type: solr + Connection params: + solr.collection = hbase-collection1 + solr.zk = localhost:2181/solr + Indexer config: 574 bytes, use -dump to see content + Batch index config: (none) + Default batch index config: (none) + Processes + 0 running processes + 0 failed processes In solr query, I couldn't find the records which I had put it in hbase , what did I missed? BTW, before trying search1.0.0, I had tried hbase-indexer from ngdata's github with indexdemo-usr example and succeeded. Best Regards,
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