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1609 | 06-15-2020 05:23 AM | |
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01:31 PM
Hi @mike_bronson7, Please follow this thread for the approach to handle such situations. Thank you.
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10:31 PM
1 Kudo
@mike_bronson7, as this is an older post, you would have a better chance of receiving a resolution by starting a new thread. This will also be an opportunity to provide details specific to your environment that could aid others in assisting you with a more accurate answer to your question. You can link this thread as a reference in your new post.
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02:23 PM
first thank you so much , for your help , I see in the post the following example: [{"ConfigGroup":{"id":2,"cluster_name":"c1","group_name":"A config group","tag":"HDFS","description":"A config group","hosts":[{"host_name":"host1"}],"service_config_version_note":"change","desired_configs":[{"type":"hdfs-site","tag":"version1443587493807","properties":{"dfs.replication":"2","dfs.datanode.du.reserved":"1073741822"}}]}}] I will appreciate , to get full example about how to run this API , by using curl or full Ambari API note - about - version1443587493807 , is this version number is "random" number that I need to set ?
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03:15 AM
What is stored inside this blockmgr-* files ? It has any relation to the input files spark reading ?
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10:40 AM
1 Kudo
@mike_bronson7 In kafka 0.1x we will see this statement (Consumer group ‘deeg_data’ is rebalancing) when the group is rebalancing but in newer versions, we will see something like: GROUP TOPIC PARTITION CURRENT-OFFSET LOG-END-OFFSET LAG CONSUMER-ID HOST CLIENT-ID
GroupName topicName 0 0 0 0 - - - Which means no active consumers in this group (or rebalancing). Regarding rebalancing of a group this can be triggered for multiple reasons, but mostly because of: 1. A new consumer is added/joined to the group 2. A consumer was removed from the group (because of client shutdown, timeout, network glitches) 3. Timeout issues between brokers/client To get more details about consumers rebalancing (if no errors from the broker side) checking the application log files might provide some details about the underlying issue.
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10:06 AM
1 Kudo
Hi @mike_bronson7 1. Do you see anything interesting from the broker 1010 log file? this is to try to understand why 1010 is not able to register in zookeeper. 2. Try forcing a new controller by using: [zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 11] rmr /controller 3. Are these broker ids unique? if you describe other topics, do you see the same brokers ids and same behavior (leader none for some partitions)? 4. Finally, if this is dev env: 4.1 You can enable unclean leader election = true and restart the brokers Or: 4.2 (if this happening just for this topic) remove __consumer_offsets topic (just from zookeeper) and restart kafka
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08:00 AM
Hi @mike_bronson7 , were you able to solve the issue with those steps? Thank you
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02:55 AM
HI @mike_bronson7 , Please go through the link Let us know if you have any concerns.
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08:56 PM
Hello. @mike_bronson7 I also had same WARN message from zookeeper log. Did you solve this problem? My Kafka Cluster: 3 different servers. 1 zookeeper and 1 broker are on each server. 2 brokers are down after this WARN message.
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09:46 AM
Depends on your brokers version to support, as the error says. Related KIP-133 (implemented in Kafka 0.11, according to JIRA)
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