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01:58 PM
Oh, sorry, forgot to mention, I also tried this, and the same error as on the other attempts appears: [usr@HOST ~]$ mysql -u root -p -hlocalhost
Enter password:
ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
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01:43 PM
for this fix I need root access to the mysql-instance on the node where Hive is running. But I noticed, that I set it nowhere during the installation-process?! Not during ambari-installation and not during the HDP-installation. I just set the Hive-DB-password (!= root-password). When I try to execute the suggested command in the SO-question above (mysql -u root -p -hlocalhost) the Hive-password doesn't work. Also the default password 'admin' doesn't work. So, is there a trick, whats the password? Or did I do a mistake? I'd like to have full access and control over my cluster and the included components ;D Thanks, Warius
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- Labels:
Apache Hive
06:07 PM
Of course! I also use HTTPS for Ambari-Web. With port 8443. I think that's the solution, great! Thank you. Can I change the port by re-executing Step 3 in this article?
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05:02 PM
Hi there.
I'm setting up a small cluster of three nodes with ambari. The nodes are all fresh installed and only for HDP-usage.
During the setup, everything is working well. But when the Knox Gateway is started, the whole start-process is aborted due to a returning error:
2017-08-11 16:03:38,222 INFO hadoop.gateway ( - System Property:
2017-08-11 16:03:38,224 INFO hadoop.gateway ( - System Property: user.dir=/data/home/knox
2017-08-11 16:03:38,224 INFO hadoop.gateway ( - System Property: Runtime Environment
2017-08-11 16:03:38,224 INFO hadoop.gateway ( - System Property: java.runtime.version=1.8.0_141-b16
2017-08-11 16:03:38,224 INFO hadoop.gateway ( - System Property: java.home=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-
2017-08-11 16:03:38,355 INFO hadoop.gateway ( - Loading configuration resource jar:file:/usr/hdp/!/conf/gateway-default.xml
2017-08-11 16:03:38,360 INFO hadoop.gateway ( - Loading configuration file /usr/hdp/
2017-08-11 16:03:38,380 INFO hadoop.gateway ( - Using /usr/hdp/ as GATEWAY_HOME via system property.
2017-08-11 16:03:38,695 INFO hadoop.gateway ( - Credential store for the gateway instance found - no need to create one.
2017-08-11 16:03:38,706 INFO hadoop.gateway ( - Keystore for the gateway instance found - no need to create one.
2017-08-11 16:03:38,709 INFO hadoop.gateway ( - The Gateway SSL certificate is issued to hostname: xxx.yyy.zz.
2017-08-11 16:03:38,710 INFO hadoop.gateway ( - The Gateway SSL certificate is valid between: 8/11/17 4:03 PM and 8/11/18 4:03 PM.
2017-08-11 16:03:38,945 INFO hadoop.gateway ( - Starting gateway...
2017-08-11 16:03:39,054 FATAL hadoop.gateway ( - Failed to start gateway: Address already in use (Bind failed)
(Source: /var/log/knox/gateway.log)
So, "Address already in use" is the problem, which I try to solve. I assume that port 8443 is meant. I don't understand that. Nothing different than HDP is running on the machine, that could occupy the port, I also didn't change anything corresponding during the cluster-configuration, so all ports are the default ones and there shouldn't be any conflicts.
Can anybody help me with this problem?
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- Labels:
Apache Knox