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6509 | 01-24-2017 03:51 AM |
02:57 AM
1 Kudo
@Karan Alang From what I have understood, data cannot be 'moved' from the unencrypted zone to an encrypted zone in hdfs. In your case, the temporary data from the table(sample_07) is loaded into the staging directory, which by default is created under /apps/hive/warehouse/.hive-staging*. And this directory does not belong to the encrypted zone(/encrypt/hive) that you created. Hive user tries to "move" this data from the staging directory to the encrypted zone and thus fails. So, you can point this staging directory, to the encrypted zone, by setting the following hive property. set hive.exec.stagingdir=/encrypt/hive/tmp/; I hope it works for you.
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03:51 AM
2 Kudos
@Karan Alang hdfs superuser will be blacklisted by the property, hadoop.kms.blacklist.DECRYPT_EEK (in ambari). This is the possible reason why you are unable to decrypt being an 'hdfs' user. It is recommended that the hdfs superusers are not to be given the privileges to decrypt the data. Try giving the decrypt permissions for another user, who has the basic read permissions to read /enczone1/myfile_1.txt
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