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3916 | 09-23-2016 09:57 AM | |
4753 | 09-20-2016 02:40 PM |
01:03 PM
Hi everyone! I am working with the Pyspark interpreter in a Zeppelin notebook, and I want to use "pandas" library functionalites, but when I try this command: import pandas as pd I get the next error message: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/tmp/", line 239, in <module> eval(compiledCode)
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: No module named pandas I have already installed Pandas in my Virtual Machine where Zeppelin is running, and restart ambari-server as it's explained in the next post: How could I do?
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- Labels:
Apache Zeppelin
09:57 AM
cuserspfctic2desktopambari-clean-instructions.txt Finally I got the answer for the problem. I really don't know what happened but it seemed that the connections between nodes were not correctly configured. To solve the problem, I started the cluster configuration again, but first of all, I cleaned up the hosts using the commands that I let you in the next document. Hope it helps!
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07:51 AM
Are the IP addresses correct from the Ambari Web UI (I have posted an image in a comment below)?
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02:06 PM
I am running the hosts in 2 virtual machines, and I don't know exactly which network options do I have, because I didn't configure it...
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08:51 AM
Hi everyone! I am new on Hortonworks and I recently installed HDP in my 2 node cluster; but the problema I have is that not all the components were installed correctly, and I have some critical alerts in the dashboard of Ambari web interface. I get the next errors: "Connection failed <<name_host>>:<<port>> (<urlopen error [Errno 111] Connection refused>)" Why is that error happening? Thank you so much!
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- Labels:
Apache Ambari
02:53 PM
I solve the problem. I had the repositories of Ambari, the Operating System and HDP and HDP-utils.
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02:40 PM
1 Kudo
Finally I solved the problem following these steps: First of all, I stopped the ambari-server service from the host where it is installed, and I proceed to reset it, using the command: ambari-server stop ambari-service reset Then I cleaned the cache information of the web browser I was using to connect to the Ambari Installation Wizard. After that, I restart the ambari-server and I tried to install the cluster again. Thank you for your answers anyway!
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01:19 PM
Yesterday I started configuring the cluster on the OS versión "redhat6" and I git the step 8 of installation. But today, when I enter to the installation wizard, I get this problem... I don't know why is saying that I am using sles12...
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12:51 PM
1 Kudo
Hi everyone! I am trying to create a cluster and in the "step 8 : Review" I get the next error when I click on the "Deploy -->" button: "Upload Version Definition File Error" "An internal system exception occurred: Base url is already defined for another repository version. Setting up base urls that contain the same versions of components will cause stack upgrade to fail." What does it happen? What can I do to solve the problem? Thank you so much!
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