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02:12 PM
@Raymond Honderdors - The reason SAM and Schema Registry were removed when installing a HDP + HDF cluster has to do with dependency issues. It comes down to issues in Ambari 2.6.x version that come in to play when both HDP and HDF mpack are both installed that affects those services. - Those issues have been addressed in Ambari 2.7.0. Since both HDP 3.0 and HDF 3.2 (not yet released) support Ambari 2.7.0, full support of SAM and Schema Registry will return with those versions loaded together. - HDF 3.2 is baselined off Apache NIFi 1.7 (so it will include everything in apache Nifi 1.7 plus some additional HDF specific changes and some additional fixes/enhancements) - Thank you, Matt - If you found this Answer addressed your original question, please take a moment to login and click "Accept" below the answer.
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