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4197 | 07-12-2018 05:49 AM |
03:42 AM
Follow-Update to tag @KR_IQ @sppandita85BLR as the Original Post is Old.
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01:28 PM
1 Kudo
@Gulshan Agivetova At least one problem i see in your config which is causing the following error: Executable command awk ended in an error: awk: fatal: cannot open file `print $0}" for reading (No such file or directory Thsis is because in your . "Command Arguments" you are using semicolon. And in "ExecuteStreamCommand" the "Argument Delimiter" is also set to ";" (which is default delimiter) May be you can try changing the "Argument Delimiter" to something else then check if you are still getting the same error or not?
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10:48 AM
3 Kudos
@Gulshan Agivetova You can force Ambari Server to start by skipping this check with the following option: ambari-server start --skip-database-check
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06:24 PM
1 Kudo
@Gulshan Agivetova - There is no NiFi processor that will produce a single NiFi FlowFile that contains a complete listing of all files in a specific target directory, but you can build a flow to do this. The ListSFTP processor will produces one 0 byte FlowFile with the following attributes generated on each: You could pass these 0 byte FlowFiles to a ReplaceText processor that could replace the 0 byte content with new content based off the values assigned to ${path}/${filename} for example. You could then feed all those FlowFiles to a MergeContent processor to merge them in to a single FlowFile with one path/filename per line. Then you can pass that merged file to the ExecuteStream Command processor. - Thanks, Matt
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04:38 PM
If you use large attributes, you will have serious issue with the "snapshot" file in the flow content repository. I've just killed my PROD this way last week : the snapshot was too big too fit in memory at startup : my data was lost.
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03:18 PM
How to split complexed json arrays into individual json objects with SplitJson processor in NIFI? I don't know how to configure the relationship original, split, failure. Json arrays is below { "scrollId1": "xyz", "data": [ { "id": "app-server-dev-glacier", "uuid": "a0733c21-6044-11e9-9129-9b2681a9a063", "name": "app-server-dev-glacier", "type": "archiveStorage", "provider": "aws", "region": "ap-southeast-1", "account": "164110977718" }, { "id": "", "uuid": "95100b11-6044-11e9-977a-f5446bd21d81", "name": "", "type": "archiveStorage", "provider": "aws", "region": "us-east-1", "account": "852631421774" } ] } I need to split it into { "id": "app-server-dev-glacier", "uuid": "a0733c21-6044-11e9-9129-9b2681a9a063", "name": "app-server-dev-glacier", "type": "archiveStorage", "provider": "aws", "region": "ap-southeast-1", "account": "164110977718" }, { "id": "", "uuid": "95100b11-6044-11e9-977a-f5446bd21d81", "name": "", "type": "archiveStorage", "provider": "aws", "region": "us-east-1", "account": "852631421774" } Next, I need to insert another field "time" in front of "id", the first attribute of individual object. I used SplitJson processor, and JSON Path Expression is $*, but the relationship reports error. Don't know how to config relationship branches, original, split and failure. Any one have any advice? @Shu
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09:59 AM
Oh, great! Thank you very much Sandeep!!
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06:40 AM
@Jay Kumar SenSharma
I am also facing the same issue..however in my case i am seeing that all packagaes are installed and yum.log is clean means no errors..
ambari=> select * from host_version;
id | repo_version_id | host_id | state
8 | 2 | 1 | CURRENT
9 | 2 | 5 | CURRENT
13 | 2 | 3 | CURRENT
12 | 2 | 2 | CURRENT
14 | 2 | 4 | CURRENT
11 | 2 | 7 | CURRENT
10 | 2 | 6 | CURRENT
62 | 52 | 2 | INSTALL_FAILED
63 | 52 | 3 | INSTALL_FAILED
58 | 52 | 1 | INSTALL_FAILED
64 | 52 | 4 | INSTALL_FAILED
59 | 52 | 5 | INSTALL_FAILED
61 | 52 | 7 | INSTALL_FAILED
60 | 52 | 6 | INSTALL_FAILED
(14 rows)
The new target version is showing failed..which pakacges are installed on all nodes and i cannot get to upgrade prompt.
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06:51 AM
Hi, @bkosaraju!! Thank you very much! It helped! We managed to remove zookeeper server from unreachable server! Many thanks for your help and quick reply!! 🙂 You made our day! 🙂
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