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6015 | 10-29-2018 07:39 PM |
10:31 AM
- Run virtual machine ssh -p 2122 root@localhost -u root -p hadoop - vi /sandbox/proxy/ Please try editing the script to add a port that you want to forward. There are 2 arrays defined in the script, one is called tcpPortsHDP, add a new entry in the following format considering port 9200 as the one you need to forward. [9200]=9200. (Example to use Elasticsearch in HDP Sandbox 2.6.5) - Save the file and rerun the script. This script generate new file '' which is in the same directory (/sandbox/proxy/) and Run the script '' - Check that port is already opened: run 'docker ps'. In the middle of all ports opened in the proxy towards the VM you will see your last ports configured. That's fine. - Reboot the system - VirtualBox -> settings -> network -> Advanced -> port forwarding -> add new port forwarding rule using IP address (maybe you will have to allow access in the firewall on the host machine (in my case window) Enjoy, your address is available for it access on your host machine explorer!!! - In my case, for Elasticsearch, was necessary add to /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml add the following code: network.bind_host: (THAT IS THE THEY TO ALLOW IT WORKING GOOD!!) localhost node.master: true true transport.tcp.port: 9300
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10:58 PM
Using Hive Web UI (Hive View) does not mimic the Pentaho DoAs command correctly, Hive View will execute the DoAs as the "admin" user, while impersonating the end user (user logged in to Ambari), "admin" would by default have the privilege to do this You need to test this on command line using the beeline utility, specifically with a JDBC connection that invokes the impersonation command on behalf of the user that Pentaho is configured to connect as (if the Pentaho processor has a specific connection string you can use that as well for your jdbc connection string in beeline) The exercise here is to connect to hive exactly the same way that Pentaho would, using Hive view does not (necessarily) do that an example of kerberos authenticated user Hive impersonating user "testuser": jdbc:hvie2://HiveHost:10001/default;principal=hive/_host@HOST1.COM;hive.server2.proxy.user=testuser for more information see the below article on impersonation in the zeppelin notebook interface:
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