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Title | Views | Posted |
1573 | 07-08-2021 03:56 AM | |
4695 | 07-20-2020 06:54 PM | |
2216 | 06-03-2020 06:53 PM | |
1273 | 05-28-2020 01:38 AM | |
2592 | 05-26-2020 01:26 AM |
03:56 AM
Hi Lucas, Please check if user polices are defined properly and this logged in user have write access. You can refer the below article for more details on user and access policies:
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02:05 AM
Hi If your use case is to retrieve data from multiple kafka topic using nifi then you can refer the below articles that can help you in this case:
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12:39 AM
1 Kudo
We can export and import flow from one NiFi Registry to another, using nifi-toolkit Let's say we have two clusters, CFM-A and CFB-B, each running its own NiFi Registry. CFM-A NiFi Registry URL : http://nifi-regA:18080 CFM-B NiFi Registry URL: http://nifi-regB:18080 Export flow from CFM-A NiFi Registry to the local directory: /opt/cloudera/parcels/CFM- Type 'help' to see a list of available commands, use tab to auto-complete. 1. List buckets from CFM-A NiFi Registry: #> registry list-buckets -u http://nifi-regA:18080 # Name Id Description - ---------- ------------------------------------ ----------- 1 TestBucket 187b3d50-03ee-4e45-a717-eb113c6edbf2 (empty) 2. List flows from CFM-A NiFi Registry using bucketIdentifier: #> registry list-flows -u http://nifi-regA:18080 --bucketIdentifier 187b3d50-03ee-4e45-a717-eb113c6edbf2 # Name Id Description - ------------ ------------------------------------ ----------- 1 TailFileFlow 98ea1331-cd61-41bb-be06-0a0e85c9a275 3. Export flow locally on the file-system using flowIdentifier. This command will store flow locally under file /tmp/test.json, in Jason format, on the Node where is running: #> registry export-flow-version -u http://nifi-regA:18080 --flowIdentifier 98ea1331-cd61-41bb-be06-0a0e85c9a275 --outputFile /tmp/test.json --outputType json Now we can Import /tmp/test.json flow to CFM-B NiFi Registry On CFM-B NiFi Registry, create an empty flow using create-flow. Create a bucket on CFM-B NiFi Registry and use the same bucket OR create a new bucket. List buckets from CFM-A NiFi Registry #> registry list-buckets -u http://nifi-regB:18080 # Name Id Description - ---- ------------------------------------ ----------- 1 TestFlow cb152ab7-d569-4dcd-b332-8ca9025c8161 (empty) 1. Create flow-name test2 under bucket TestFlow, using bucketIdentifier: #>registry create-flow -u http://nifi-regB:18080 --bucketIdentifier cb152ab7-d569-4dcd-b332-8ca9025c8161 --flowName test2 2. List flows from CFM-B NiFi Registry using bucketIdentifier: #>registry list-flows -u http://nifi-regB:18080 --bucketIdentifier cb152ab7-d569-4dcd-b332-8ca9025c8161 # Name Id Description - ---- ------------------------------------ ----------- 1 test2 ef6550d5-6306-416a-9372-81286a635e7b (empty) 3. Import flow from local file /tmp/test.json using flowIdentifier, which can be viewed above the list-flows output: #>registry import-flow-version -u http://nifi-regB:18080 --flowIdentifier ef6550d5-6306-416a-9372-81286a635e7b --input /tmp/test.json 4. Check and verify flow name and version details on CFM-B NiFi Registry URL from the Web Browser.
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06:38 PM
If you define JAVA_HOME in your environment, then you must use the command: export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64 And then the script will pick it up from your environment. Also please check if nifi bootstrap.conf file is configured properly.
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12:18 AM
We can change the Hostname from ambari end as describe in the below article:
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06:54 PM
2 Kudos
You need to assign "modify the data" and "view the data" access policies. Also you need to grant the same policy to all your NiFi nodes as well. Please refer the below article for more details:
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12:28 AM
You can try the below curl command: curl -u admin:<password> -X GET http://<ambari_server_Host>:8080/api/v1/stacks/<Stack_Name>/versions/<Stack_Version>/services/<SERVICE_NAME> For Example: curl -u admin:<password> -X GET http://<ambari_server_Host>:8080/api/v1/stacks/HDP/versions/3.1/services/ZOOKEEPER Or curl -u admin:<password> -X GET http://<ambari_server_Host>:8080/api/v1/stacks/HDF/versions/3.4/services/ZOOKEEPER
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12:21 AM
Please check if ambari-metrics-monitor is up and running on these nodes or if there is any error on metrics collector logs.
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08:21 PM
From the shared error stack, I can see the below error: Starting regular datanode initialization log4j:ERROR Failed to flush writer, No space left on device Please check if there is any disk space issue on these datanodes.
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07:40 PM
It seems, something is wrong with disks. Please check with Linux admin team to confirm if datanode disks are healthy.
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