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5092 | 05-26-2017 09:17 PM |
07:39 PM
I'm having a similar issue. In my case I'm feeding Yaf data to Kafka (it works correctly). Then it gives the parsing error: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Grok parser Error: Grok statement produced a null message. Original message was: I used the Metron's default YAF Grok pattern. I have checked the logs in and it is able to correctly match the pattern. Furthermore, I use the "Test" button on Metron's UI to check whether the patter is able to extract the fields from the log and it also works correctly.
Does anyone knows why this fails? Example Log: 2018-04-04 10:05:32.533|2018-04-04 10:05:32.533| 0.000| 0.000| 6|| 2869||52023| AR| 0| 0| 0|c019c454|00000000|000|000| 1| 40| 0| 0| 0| Yaf Pattern YAF_TIME_FORMAT %{YEAR:UNWANTED}-%{MONTHNUM:UNWANTED}-%{MONTHDAY:UNWANTED}[T ]%{HOUR:UNWANTED}:%{MINUTE:UNWANTED}:%{SECOND:UNWANTED} YAF_DELIMITED %{YAF_TIME_FORMAT:start_time}\|%{YAF_TIME_FORMAT:end_time}\|%{SPACE:UNWANTED}%{BASE10NUM:duration}\|%{SPACE:UNWANTED}%{BASE10NUM:rtt}\|%{SPACE:UNWANTED}%{INT:protocol}\|%{SPACE:UNWANTED}%{IP:ip_src_addr}\|%{SPACE:UNWANTED}%{INT:ip_src_port}\|%{SPACE:UNWANTED}%{IP:ip_dst_addr}\|%{SPACE:UNWANTED}%{INT:ip_dst_port}\|%{SPACE:UNWANTED}%{DATA:iflags}\|%{SPACE:UNWANTED}%{DATA:uflags}\|%{SPACE:UNWANTED}%{DATA:riflags}\|%{SPACE:UNWANTED}%{DATA:ruflags}\|%{SPACE:UNWANTED}%{WORD:isn}\|%{SPACE:UNWANTED}%{DATA:risn}\|%{SPACE:UNWANTED}%{DATA:tag}\|%{GREEDYDATA:rtag}\|%{SPACE:UNWANTED}%{INT:pkt}\|%{SPACE:UNWANTED}%{INT:oct}\|%{SPACE:UNWANTED}%{INT:rpkt}\|%{SPACE:UNWANTED}%{INT:roct}\|%{SPACE:UNWANTED}%{INT:app}\|%{GREEDYDATA:end_reason}
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10:01 PM
I submitted a fix to this README. You can view progress here @HS, the Metron community always looking for contributors and future committers and is extremely helpful (imho) in getting users involved. I see you've been active on the Metron boards here on HCC and we would be happy to get you open source community credit should you also choose to submit Jiras/PRs in the future. Best, Mike.
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12:59 PM
Metron supports 3 types of parsers: Grok, CSV and Java. For XML data Java is the best choice. You can see example parsers in the Metron github: You could also use Nifi to convert the XML to JSON and enqueue the events to the enrichment topic. Here are some articles about parsing XML logs with Nifi:
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07:36 AM
I am trying to install metron on ubutnu 16.04 server and receiving following error. any help would be appreciated\. THanks TASK [ambari_config : Deploy cluster with Ambari; http://node1:8080] ***********
[node1]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "failed": true, "msg": "value
of wait_for_complete must be one of:
y,yes,on,1,true,1,True,n,no,off,0,false,0,False, got: True"}
retry, use: --limit
PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
node1 : ok=31 changed=23 unreachable=0 failed=1
Ansible failed to complete successfully. Any error output should be
visible above. Please fix these errors and try again. , I am trying to install metron on ubutnu 16.04 server and receiving following error. any help would be appreciated: TASK [ambari_config : Deploy cluster with Ambari; http://node1:8080] ***********
fatal: [node1]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "failed": true, "msg": "value of wait_for_complete must be one of: y,yes,on,1,true,1,True,n,no,off,0,false,0,False, got: True"}
to retry, use: --limit @/home/rendev/Downloads/incubator-metron-Metron_0.2.1BETA_rc2/metron-deployment/playbooks/metron_full_install.retry
PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
node1 : ok=31 changed=23 unreachable=0 failed=1
Ansible failed to complete successfully. Any error output should be
visible above. Please fix these errors and try again.
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