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01:03 PM
Manish - the AWS security group clue seems to be the answer. I was using a specific security group for our corporation. I started another instance on my personal AWS account and it is responding as expected with focus on the HDPCA tasks. Thank you for that recommendation. Jim
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04:43 PM
I ran into a number of operating system issues with the HDPCA practice environment (Hortonworks HDPCAdministrator_2.3 PracticeExam_v3- ami-01b8066a) in AWS that has me concerned. Are the following issues part of the exam, or part of an issue with the environment? When adding Node1 to the cluster NTPD would not start, but I also saw that is wasn't running on the NameNode. Then, iptables failed to stop on Node1, threw an error. The manual registration of Node1 succeeds, but host registration fails due to these two issues. Continuing with the DataNode, NodeManager and Client Services install, the process hangs on the DataNode install, then finally times out because the installation of BASE packages rpcbind, libtirpc and libgsglue failed due to no internet access to download these packages. I find this whole scenario out of character for an exam based on the published objectives. Is the exam based on Hortonworks HDPCA administration or CentOS administration? Any help or guidance to better understand this exam and its objectives is greatly appreciated. Thank you Jim
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