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12:10 AM
1 Kudo
Hi Loaimohamed79 I see you cannot create the topics after enabling the TLS and it failed with the TimeoutException. Since you have enabled the TLS, 'listeners' property must be using SASL_SSL or SSL protocol and hence with the 'kafka-topics' command you will need to use the argument --command-config and pass the file that includes the below properties, --- security.protocol=SASL_SSL OR SSL ssl.truststore.location=<truststore-location> --- So the command will look like, kafka-topics --create --topic demo --bootstrap-server --partitions 3 --replication-factor 3 --command-config <> Kindly follow these steps and let us know if it helps.
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03:30 AM
Hi @uday123 Do you see any error/warning messages when you hit the command? I understood that the console producer for a single message from the command line works for you but did you try to consume the same messages using the console consumer? If yes, do you see the same messages? - It could be that the console producer for a single message from the command line might not work and it is just that you are not seeing any warning/error message as you could be interrupting the console producer before it is getting timed out exception. I would request you to kindly check and confirm if you can able to produce as well as consume the same messages. $ Points to check for, 1. Check if you have a valid ticket before you run the command. 2. Export the JAAS.CONF file. 3. Make sure the user keytab/principal that you are using has enough privileges in the ranger-kafka policy to produce the messages to the problematic topic. 4. Check if the file '' has read access to the user. 5. Since you are using the SASL_SSL protocol, check and use the same port number that is assigned to SASL_SSL.
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06:40 AM
Hi @Asim- Can you upload the screenshot of the ListenSyslog processors properties? The link below may help you to set the buffer size, [1] **NOTE: Please check with your system admin before you make any changes at the OS level.
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01:12 AM
@roshanbi Can you please confirm the way you are sending the JSON data to the Kafka topic? Are you using kafka-console-producer? Please provide file parameters used.
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