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1369 | 01-13-2017 02:41 PM |
02:41 PM
No, there are no logs in nifi-app.log file, The issue is solved now.. thanks for replying. Issue was with authorizations.xml which had policies for old instance. I cleaned that and its working fine now.
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09:38 AM
I am using rest-api of nifi to upload a template, create instance of it, modify processors and run. I am able to do this with http protocol. Now, I secured my nifi with https and user credentials. I am trying to achieve the same (upload, create instance, etc) with rest-api. I need to change the policies on uploaded template before creating the instance everytime and again on the template instance to modify it. Is it the correct behaviour of nifi or am I missing something? Also, after creating the instance of template it gives "500 Internal Server Error" and I cannot get the id of the instance from api.
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
09:22 AM
@Matt Burgess Yes, using "success" relationship I would only know if current (single) flowfile has been wirtten successfully onto hdfs.. how would I know if all my files are finished processing exactly once?
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07:48 AM
I am trying to copy files from my local machine to a remote hdfs. I am using GetFile -> PutHDFS processors. My exact usecase is: - I want to know as soon as the copy is done (Currently I am using rest api to track bytes tranferred to know this) - Copy just once - Keep the source files Problems I am getting: - If I configure for keeping the sources files and scheduling time to 0 secs, GetFile processor is creating flowfiles again and again for same files - I dont think I should configure scheduling time to large value as each task processes only one file and waits for next schedule Please help. Open to try other approaches, Thanks.
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
11:13 AM
Thanks you for the information. So, if I set "Run Schedule" to default i.e ) sec, It will run tasks one after other again and again. And If I want it to execute only once, I would make it to some huge value or use event or CRON timer.
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01:41 PM
I did not change anything on scheduling tab as I wanted it to run asap. The problem is that the processor is running continuously. So If I have 10 records in actual table, I see the count on hdfs keep on increasing (dumping these 10 again and again). I expect it to stop after moving just these initial 10 records onto hdfs.
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10:10 AM
I am trying move a table from Oracle to HDFS. I used QueryDatabaseTable -> putHdfs processors and configured them. I can see data coming to hdfs.. but the process is running continuously and records are being added again and again. Am I doing anything wrong or missing something?
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi