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05:10 PM
7 Kudos
Looks like the data was removed from hdfs but no drop partition query was executed on hive side. The data being displayed from 'show partitions <table_name>' command retrieves data from hive metastore db, which has the information on table partition but not the real data, which is stored in hdfs. About the data missing from hdfs, it might be worth checking the hdfs-audit.log to trace the lifecycle of the directory/file
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03:58 AM
Go to ranger UI. the link is found by going to ambari, then to ranger, and click on quick links. that will give you ranger ui. go to hive. check the user policy to determine if there are any policies give you access to UDF. Another quick way to check if you have ranger enabled is by going to ranger config via ambari and determine if hive plugin is enabled.
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01:55 PM
Some of these properties are a little bit mis-leading and were renamed in 1.0 to make it clearer: I think if you are calling an external script you would need to handle renewing the kerberos tickets yourself. You could just setup a GenerateFlowFile on a timer schedule that went to an ExecuteStreamCommand and just did a kinit every couple of hours.
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