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11:45 PM
Hi @Sonu Sahi, Sorry for the late reply. I checked the link shared by you, but this doesn't help me ,as i am getting this issue when i try to put file on HDFS. I am able to connect through Putty and WinScp as well as through Talend, but get this error of failed to locate the Winutils when i run the Talend Job to put file on HDFS. Is their anything that comes to your mind for this error. Thanks.
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11:36 PM
Hi @Sonu Sahi Could you please provide help on the HADOOP_HOME configuration variable ?
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09:15 PM
Hi @Sonu Sahi I am now able to SSH the cluster using the above described steps. Thanks a lot. Also, i am able to connect to the hdfs directory through the talend component. I used NameNode URI = 'hdfs://" and user root. However now, when i run the job i get the below error '[ERROR]: org.apache.hadoop.util.Shell - Failed to locate the winutils binary in the hadoop binary path' I googled and got that i have to add the variable HADOOP_HOME. But what is the path that i should give to this variable.
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07:35 PM
Hi @Sonu Sahi I am using Windows 10 and i have also not made any change to my virtualbox adapter and hence it is in NAT mode only. I am not sure, why i am not able to access the cluster trough SSH using putty. Is there anything that i am missing. I did use the way you mentioned and had port 2222, but still it gives the error. Am i missing something.If possible, can you show me a step on how to achieve this. From my tool i am trying to access the hadoop cluster and i am trying to configure the connection details in he component 'tHDFSConnection', but it is failing and through the errors that i had pasted in my question. Any way to overcome this please.
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09:54 PM
Hi @Sonu Sahi, Thanks for your detailed inputs. I have followed the steps and below are my queries: 1- I am able to login to the Ambari account, but is there any specific reason as to why I am not able to login to Splash Page and what is the use of splash page 2- I modified my host file as per input and tried to ssh using putty, but i get the error 'Unable to open Connection to sandbox. Host does not exist'. Do i need to do something else ? 3- Does this mean, i can only SSH the cluster through the terminal and not through Putty 4- What port do i need to open, as the link provides a well documented step on how to do port forwarding, but as i am new to Hortonworks, please let me know the port that i should open which helps me to resolve the issue i am facing in Talend. Thanks Again for your inputs.
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12:54 PM
Hi, I am new to Hortonworks and trying to learn it. I have installed HDP- virtualbox sandbox and it is running fine. I have a few questions: 1-I am not able to see any link on the This page gives me just the headings as Ambari, Atlas etc but doesnt have any links on it 2- How can i map the internal ip to the machine ip on my hosts file. I tried changing my Network to Ethernet Bridge, but once i do so, i am not able to open the local host also i.e 3- How can i connect to hadoop cluster. 4- Also i am trying to connect it through talend and i get the below errors Namenode: org.talend.designer.hdfsbrowse.exceptions.HadoopServerException: org.talend.designer.hdfsbrowse.exceptions.HadoopServerException: java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException
at org.talend.designer.hdfsbrowse.hadoop.service.check.AbstractCheckedServiceProvider.checkService( Resource Manager : org.talend.designer.hdfsbrowse.exceptions.HadoopServerException: org.talend.designer.hdfsbrowse.exceptions.HadoopServerException: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
at org.talend.designer.hdfsbrowse.hadoop.service.check.AbstractCheckedServiceProvider.checkService( As i am new to and learning Hortonworks, any guidance as to how i can achive these is greatly appreciated
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Apache Hadoop