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6416 | 03-16-2018 03:38 AM |
05:56 AM
@mburgess Hope you doing well, could you help on my issues. My script running fine but its process keeping oracle connection inactive and not closing, when i am checking in database its showing inactive session which NIFI created by the NIFI user.
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11:30 PM
Hi All, I am facing issues with Execute Script processor. I am executing Groovy script which have oracle DB in Execute Script processor but its not closing the DB connection. Issues: Database connection are not closing and its making Inactive connection in database. The Groovy script we added proper open and close connections. Could you help fix this issues, also let me know where I am not correct . DB Connection Configuration is like that : Execute Script Process are configured as fallowing: Groovy Script as following : import import org.apache.nifi.controller.ControllerService import import java.nio.charset.* import groovy.sql.OutParameter import groovy.sql.Sql import oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes import java.sql.ResultSet def lookup = context.controllerServiceLookup def dbServiceName = ConnectionPoolScriptExecution.value def dbcpServiceId = lookup.getControllerServiceIdentifiers(ControllerService).find { cs -> lookup.getControllerServiceName(cs) == dbServiceName } def conn = lookup.getControllerService(dbcpServiceId)?.getConnection(); def sql = new Sql(conn); def flowFile = session.get() if(!flowFile) return //Session Values strApplication = flowFile.getAttribute('application') strUsername = flowFile.getAttribute('username') strPassword = flowFile.getAttribute('password') // SQL Query Creation and execution def ValidOrNot String sqlString = "select FN_HP_IS_VALID_APP('${strApplication}','${strUsername}','${strPassword}') as ValidOrNot from dual"; try { rowNum = 0 sql.eachRow(sqlString, { dataResult -> //println(dataResult.ValidOrNot) ValidOrNot = dataResult.ValidOrNot }) } catch(Exception ex){ conn?.close() } finally { conn?.close() } conn?.close() // Assign values to session object def attrMap = ['VALIDORNOT':ValidOrNot,'sqlString':sqlString] flowFile = session.putAllAttributes(flowFile, attrMap) session.transfer(flowFile, REL_SUCCESS)
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
07:05 AM
1 Kudo
Solved using the Groovy Code. Stored PROC using the following input and output. in_track_id IN NUMBER, in_username IN VARCHAR2, in_course_no IN VARCHAR2, out_details OUT SYS_REFCURSOR, out_status_code OUT NUMBER, out_status_desc OUT VARCHAR2 import
import org.apache.nifi.controller.ControllerService
import java.nio.charset.*
import groovy.sql.OutParameter
import groovy.sql.Sql
import oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes
import java.sql.ResultSet
//DB Setting Start
//Harcoded connection string
//def sql = Sql.newInstance('jdbc:oracle:thin:@//', 'UserID', 'UserPass$', 'oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver')
//Get the conncation string from NIFI conncation pool
def lookup = context.controllerServiceLookup
def dbServiceName = ConncationPool.value
def dbcpServiceId = lookup.getControllerServiceIdentifiers(ControllerService).find {
cs -> lookup.getControllerServiceName(cs) == dbServiceName
def conn = lookup.getControllerService(dbcpServiceId).getConnection();
sql = Sql.newInstance(conn);
////Get the session values from Nifi flow Start
def flowFile = session.get()
if(!flowFile) return
in_track_id = flowFile.getAttribute('body_track_id')
in_username = flowFile.getAttribute('body_username')
in_course_no = flowFile.getAttribute('body_course_number')
////Get the session values from Nifi flow END
// special OutParameter for cursor type
OutParameter CURSOR_PARAMETER = new OutParameter() {
public int getType() {
return OracleTypes.CURSOR;
def data = []
// Stored proc having 3 input and 3 out put, one out put having CURSOR datatype
String sqlString ="""{call <StoredPrcoName>(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)}""";
// rs contains the result set of cursor and data values start Shakeel
def status_desc
def status_code
def status_data
//def parametersList = ['20585', 'A3843UP', '00009934', CURSOR_PARAMETER, Sql.NUMERIC ,Sql.VARCHAR]; // testing purpose
def parametersList = [in_track_id, in_username, in_course_no, CURSOR_PARAMETER, Sql.NUMERIC ,Sql.VARCHAR];, parametersList) {out_details, out_status_code,out_status_desc ->
status_desc = out_status_desc
status_code = out_status_code
out_details.eachRow {
data << it.toRowResult()
status_data = data
// rs contains the result set of cursor and data values end
//Set the session values start
def attrMap = ['status_desc':status_desc, 'status_code':String.valueOf(status_code),'status_data':String.valueOf(status_data),'Conn':String.valueOf(conn)]
flowFile = session.putAllAttributes(flowFile, attrMap)
session.transfer(flowFile, REL_SUCCESS)
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03:38 AM
2 Kudos
Solved using the Groovy Code. Hope it will help someone.. Stored PROC using the following input and output in_track_id IN NUMBER, in_username IN VARCHAR2,
in_course_no IN VARCHAR2,
out_details OUT SYS_REFCURSOR,
out_status_code OUT NUMBER,
out_status_desc OUT VARCHAR2) import
import org.apache.nifi.controller.ControllerService
import java.nio.charset.*
import groovy.sql.OutParameter
import groovy.sql.Sql
import oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes
import java.sql.ResultSet
//DB Setting Start
//Harcoded connection string
//def sql = Sql.newInstance('jdbc:oracle:thin:@//', 'UserID', 'UserPass$', 'oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver')
//Get the conncation string from NIFI conncation pool
def lookup = context.controllerServiceLookup
def dbServiceName = ConncationPool.value
def dbcpServiceId = lookup.getControllerServiceIdentifiers(ControllerService).find {
cs -> lookup.getControllerServiceName(cs) == dbServiceName
def conn = lookup.getControllerService(dbcpServiceId).getConnection();
sql = Sql.newInstance(conn);
////Get the session values from Nifi flow Start
def flowFile = session.get()
if(!flowFile) return
in_track_id = flowFile.getAttribute('body_track_id')
in_username = flowFile.getAttribute('body_username')
in_course_no = flowFile.getAttribute('body_course_number')
////Get the session values from Nifi flow END
// special OutParameter for cursor type
OutParameter CURSOR_PARAMETER = new OutParameter() {
public int getType() {
return OracleTypes.CURSOR;
def data = []
// Stored proc having 3 input and 3 out put, one out put having CURSOR datatype
String sqlString ="""{call <StoredPrcoName>(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)}""";
// rs contains the result set of cursor and data values start Shakeel
def status_desc
def status_code
def status_data
//def parametersList = ['20585', 'A3843UP', '00009934', CURSOR_PARAMETER, Sql.NUMERIC ,Sql.VARCHAR]; // testing purpose
def parametersList = [in_track_id, in_username, in_course_no, CURSOR_PARAMETER, Sql.NUMERIC ,Sql.VARCHAR];, parametersList) {out_details, out_status_code,out_status_desc ->
status_desc = out_status_desc
status_code = out_status_code
out_details.eachRow {
data << it.toRowResult()
status_data = data
// rs contains the result set of cursor and data values end
//Set the session values start
def attrMap = ['status_desc':status_desc, 'status_code':String.valueOf(status_code),'status_data':String.valueOf(status_data),'Conn':String.valueOf(conn)]
flowFile = session.putAllAttributes(flowFile, attrMap)
session.transfer(flowFile, REL_SUCCESS)
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03:29 AM
Hi @Ward Bekker I am trying the same code but getting error : Code is below one , could you let me know what is wrong, I have added dependency as well. import net.sf.json.JSON import net.sf.json.JSONObject import net.sf.json.JSONSerializer import net.sf.json.xml.XMLSerializer String str = '''{ "glossary": { "title": "example glossary", "GlossDiv": { "title": "S", "GlossList": { "GlossEntry": { "ID": "SGML", "SortAs": "SGML", "GlossTerm": "Standard Generalized Markup Language", "Acronym": "SGML", "Abbrev": "ISO 8879:1986", "GlossDef": { "para": "A meta-markup language, used to create markup languages such as DocBook.", "GlossSeeAlso": ["GML", "XML"] }, "GlossSee": "markup" } } } } }'''JSON json = JSONSerializer.toJSON( str ) XMLSerializer xmlSerializer = new XMLSerializer() xmlSerializer.setTypeHintsCompatibility( false ) String xml = xmlSerializer.write( json ) print(xml)
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03:05 AM
Thanks @Matt Burgess I checked but issues is not with "print", error due to "cx_Oracle" object. Could you guide how i can run the my python code with ExecuteProcess or ExecuteStreamCommand process? do you have configuration details ?
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06:46 AM
Hi, I have written a simple python script to execute the oracle stored proc and its working when i executing using the python IDEL, when i am integrating in NIFI its giving error . ERROR : SyntaxError: no viable alternative at input '\n' in <script> at line number 1 at column number 15; rolling back session: {}
import sys
import getpass
import platform
import cx_Oracle
my_connection = cx_Oracle.connect('USer/')
my_cursor = my_connection.cursor()
my_cursor.callproc('sp_hp_course_status_chk', [in_track_id, in_username,in_course_no, cur_var,cur_var1,cur_var2])
print (cur_var.getvalue().fetchall())
print (int(cur_var1.getvalue()))
print (cur_var2.getvalue())
#This code is working in python IDLE but getting error when adding in NIFI
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
09:22 AM
@Artem Ervits Do you have any sample groovy code which execute Stored Pprocedue with input and output parameter ?
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04:28 AM
@Eyad Garelnabi and @Rahul Reddy I am also working on the SOAP with WSDL file to extract the SOAP response but not able to configure, could you share your process and configuration details so that i can make my one. Also when i am trying to do using this post, I am not able to find the path nifi-soap-nar/target/nifi-soap-nar-0.0.1.nar and file in Github. I am using the windows 7, can help how to install and configuration
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03:16 AM
Thanks Lot @Shu for your details description explanation. My Flow now look like as below .Thanks Lot
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