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08:28 AM
@Chintan Visani I believe it's possible. Let me explain my usecase first. My objective is to take 4 CSVs as input and joining all of them based on a unique column named 'CustomerID' available in all the CSVs. I did not directly join the CSVs rather I put each of them into database tables and later join them using ExecuteSQL command. 1. GetFile -> UpdateAttribute -> PutDatabaseRecord (For each of the CSVs i.e., for my case - 4 CSVs put into 4 different tables) 2. ExecuteSQL (you write SQL query to join all the required tables) -> ConvertRecord -> PutFile (This will give you the join of all the CSVs) 3. After that again, GetFile -> UpdateAttribute -> PutDatabaseRecord (If you again want to put the aggregated/joined CSV into the DB, then you can do it again) Hope it would help. Thanks and regards, Spandan.
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