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02:49 PM
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@alfredo reza Upon successful authentication (via openID in your case), a JWT token is issued for the successfully authenticated user and returned to the client (your browser in this case). A matching server side token is stored locally on the node that serviced the login request. The login UI then redirects to the NiFi UI. In subsequent requests to same browser address ( that issued token is provided to verify user identity. In your case, it would appear that follow on requests are not being routed to same NiFi cluster node which issued the original token. Since tokens are only valid for the node which issued them, the attempt to use same token to authenticate in to other nodes will fail. The failure will trigger a redirect to the login page again. - The load-balancer should be configured with sticky sessions to avoid these subsequent requests from going to random nodes in the NiFi cluster. - Thank you, Matt - If you found this answer addressed your question, please take a moment to login in and click the "ACCEPT" link.
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