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03:06 PM
Actually, I found out that the script by Ali, abajwa-hw, already has shown how to deploy NiFi to each node in the multi-node cluster. Specifically, it is the environment variable,
export install_nifi_on_all_nodes="${install_nifi_on_all_nodes:-true}"
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03:32 PM
Ali, the scripts work. But, I want to deploy NIFI to all the HDF nodes (e.g., 4). Currently using the above scripts, I only see one NIFI in one of the node. I know NiFi 1.0.x is "master-less". But, I don't see the rest of nodes having NIFI component installed .
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03:28 PM
I have related question: how to deploy multiple nifi components to all the HDF cluster nodes. And, then the question to ask is just like you ask above. I use Ali's HDF ambari-bootstrap blog's approach to automatically deploy the blueprint-based HDF 2.0.1 cluster. But, it has only one NIFI in one of the specific node within the HDF cluster. I am trying to figure our how to deploy NIFI to all the HDF cluster node.
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