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01:49 PM
whoaaa.. yes.. it works.. good to know the order matters.. thank you!
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12:25 PM
3 Kudos
I have a table dept_tbl in HBase with 1 Column Family and 3 columns in it cf1:dept_city, cf1:dept_name, cf1:dept_no ------- I want to filter a column say dept_no and get the corresponding dept_name for it Like: if dept_no=10, return dept_name=ACCOUNTING ------- I applied filter as below: scan 'dept_tbl',{FILTER
=> "MultipleColumnPrefixFilter('dept_name','dept_no') AND
SingleColumnValueFilter('cf1','dept_no',=, 'binary:10')"} ------- This returns me 2 columns: 'dept_name' and 'dept_no' I need only 1 column 'dept_name' to be returned ------- If I use MultipleColumnPrefixFilter('dept_name').. it gives me all rows as if it didnt check for filter of dept_no=10 I tried many combinations, I couldnt get it to return single column single row. ------- Script to create the table: create 'dept_tbl','cf1'
put 'dept_tbl','R1','cf1:dept_no','10'
put 'dept_tbl','R1','cf1:dept_name','ACCOUNTING'
put 'dept_tbl','R1','cf1:dept_city','NEW YORK'
put 'dept_tbl','R2','cf1:dept_no','20'
put 'dept_tbl','R2','cf1:dept_name','RESEARCH'
put 'dept_tbl','R2','cf1:dept_city','DALLAS'
put 'dept_tbl','R3','cf1:dept_no','30'
put 'dept_tbl','R3','cf1:dept_name','SALES'
put 'dept_tbl','R3','cf1:dept_city','CHICAGO'
put 'dept_tbl','R4','cf1:dept_no','40'
put 'dept_tbl','R4','cf1:dept_name','OPERATIONS'
put 'dept_tbl','R4','cf1:dept_city','BOSTON'
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- Labels:
Apache HBase
Apache Hive
11:15 AM
1 Kudo
you can use Input port and Output port for this purpose.. Data flow 1 will send data to PG.. Data flow 2 will also send data to the same PG.. this can be done using the Input Port within the PG and if there is any Output from the PG, add Output port as well within the PG.. The number of data flows connecting to this PG = the number of Input ports this PG has..
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08:18 AM
there is no fixed mapping.. might go with Custom Processor to do all the tasks
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08:16 AM
yes, you are right.. even if the attributes get created.. I have no way to further reference them.. I was looking to create statements in PutSQL but yes I wont be able to do it..
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01:28 PM
UpdateAttribute will change the value of the JSON tag.. but it wont change the name of the Tag.. I am looking to change the name of the tag dynamically.. Like suppose in my JSON, i have a tag named CREDIT_FLAG with value 'C'.. I want the name of the tag to change from CREDIT_FLAG to say CR_FL.. assuming the data "CR_FL" is also present in our flow.. ----- and if the above cannot be done, can we create new FlowFile Attributes dynamically? or any other way ----- Summary: Change tag name "CREDIT_FLAG" to "CR_FL" in any possible way using NiFi built in processors ----- Let me know if more clarification is required..
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11:34 AM
Is it possible to use Expression language in UpdateAttribute processor? Not for the Property Value but for the Property Name? My mission is to get Dynamic Tag names..
If my JSON has 2 tags.. say Tag_1 and Tag_2.. I want to change them (tag_name not tag_value) to some other name, can that be done ? OR if existing tag name cannot be renamed, can I add a new tag? but again, the name of the Tag cannot be hardcoded in NiFi..
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- Labels:
Apache NiFi
09:14 AM
One question.. Does the ID of a Processor or ProcessFlow change if NiFi is rebooted?
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01:36 PM
thank you so so much.. i can enjoy holidays now knowing this has been taken care of.. Happy Holidays to you 🙂 will surely research on Dev Tools
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01:03 PM
where can I get this entire documentation? What if I want to run a Process-Group ?
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