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2822 | 10-16-2017 08:36 PM |
08:36 PM
1 Kudo
Found it! It's too simple. Log into Ambari as Admin. Go to the Services tab > Select HDFS from the action menu on the left > Click the Service Actions button on the top right > Hit Start. If you need to do it manually for whatever reason, Go to the host tab, click your Host's name (Hyperlink), then start the services in this order: 1.) SNameNode / HDFS 2.) DataNodes / HDFS 3.) NameNode / HDFS I was able to get access to the Files Viewer trying it both ways. Hope this helps!
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08:20 PM
I'm having this issue too. I've been tinkering but cant think up a reason why. I'll try to remember to revisit this post if I manage to figure anything out. To help a little on the Host file @Vinay Sikka if you did not have that set up correctly then your quick link to Nifi would fail. So since that link uses the DNS hostname instead of the IP, it will have to rely on your host file or DNS server for resolution. I feel you already have a decent understanding so I wont go into any further detail on that subject.
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