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08:04 AM
You can view the packaged version of Parquet in this pom. ./nifi-nar-bundles/nifi-parquet-bundle/nifi-parquet-processors/pom.xml
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07:54 PM
I have experienced this situation as well. I am on NiFi 1.10.0. In my case when this happens, the only recourse is to terminate the processor, as stopped it does not work. Did you find a solution to this issue?
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01:39 PM
I ran into the same issue but with NiFi 1.10.0 I can build the project locally but not on Jenkins. Did you resolve the issue?
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04:41 AM
I have a multi-node cluster and I see this message as well. When this happens the node experiencing this becomes disconnected from the cluster. At that point, you can not make any changes to the flows. Upon some searches I came across these properties. nifi.cluster.node.connection.timeout=10 sec sec I believe 10 sec is pretty generous. Is there something else that needs to be tweaked.
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02:14 PM
If you don't care about Avro format and want to go directly to JSON you can use the ExecuteSQLRecord processor where you can specify the output format.
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10:21 AM
I followed the suggestions #1 in this answer and it worked. If that doesn't work, to be sure that the files are identical on the servers, do md5sum of the files.
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01:36 PM
What helped me was, first copying the file to the $NIFI_HOME/lib folder then giving the full path of the jar file in the ExecuteStreamCommand processor. So the config looked like "-jar; /opt/nifi-1.7.1/lib/mycode.jar". Couple things to ensure is that the jar is owned by the same user that NiFi is running as and the jar could be located anywhere as long as you give full path you should be fine.
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