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9744 | 02-28-2021 10:23 PM | |
1942 | 02-08-2021 11:53 PM | |
31781 | 12-16-2020 11:31 PM | |
7611 | 12-14-2020 11:02 PM | |
4844 | 12-14-2020 12:18 AM |
12:39 AM
@PVVK It works perfect! Thank you very much.
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12:10 AM
To check null in JavaScript, use triple equals operator(===) or Object is() method. If you want to use method then you two arguments. 1) Pass your variable value with a null value. 2) The null value itself. To find the difference between null and undefined, use the triple equality operator or Object is() method. To loosely check if the variable is null, use a double equality operator(==). The double equality operator can not tell the difference between null and undefined, so it counts as same. So if you want to strict check, then don't use a double equality operator. It will lead to misconclusion.
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11:26 AM
"UpdateRecord" processor with below syntax resolved the issue. ${field.value:toDate("EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss z yyyy"):format("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")}
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11:20 PM
1 Kudo
@stevenmatison For the sake of completeness and to confirm your suspicions: With NiFi 1.11.1 parameters also work in the PutEmail-Processor.
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07:01 AM
@MattWho Just for information. This originally described phenomen is solved in the combination NiFi 1.11.1 and NiFi-Registry 0.5.0. A versioncontrolled process-group which contains disabled processors isn't marked anymore with containing "uncommitted changes" after restart of NiFi. Only thing that struck me but isn't a problem: If I disable a versioncontrolled process-group this doesn't lead to marking the process group as having "uncommited changes". But after restart of NiFi this process group is marked as having "uncommited changes". The option "Show local changes" names the differences as "Processor was disabled" for all components within the process group.Now I can proceed a commit and everything stays fine after restart of NiFi.
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12:04 AM
1 Kudo
Ok so me and my mate figured it out :). Finally! its like this $.outputs[?("EM_CLASSIFICATION")].value
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12:53 AM
@janapati10 Oh, too bad, this options for manipulating JSON with Expression Language are - as far as I know - not available before 1.10.0. When the JSON-format is really stabil maybe this will work for you. UpdateAttribute ==> ${FF_CONTENT:substringBefore('['):append('["'):append(${callid}):append('"]'):append(${FF_CONTENT:substringAfter(']')})} It is not "elegant" but I haven't got another idea, sorry.
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02:49 AM
1 Kudo
@mburgess Matt, thank you so much for your quick response and help. It took me some time to figure out what you meant... but it works like a charm! If anyone can use the solution, here it is: //======================================================================================================
// TEST java LocalDate.parse with groovy max-function
// FF-Attribute RESPONSE contains [{"id":"(1208)", "datbis":"20180219" }, { "id":"(1210)", "datbis":"20191231" }, { "id":"(1212)", "datbis":"20200128" }]
// FF-Atribute MAX_datbis returns 20200128
import java.time.LocalDate
def flowFile = session.get()
if(!flowFile) return
try {
def objList = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(flowFile.getAttribute('RESPONSE'))
def max = objList.max {LocalDate.parse(it.datbis,"yyyyMMdd")}
flowFile = session.putAttribute(flowFile, 'MAX_datbis', max.datbis.toString())
session.transfer(flowFile, REL_SUCCESS)
} catch(e) {
log.error("Error while determining max", e)
session.transfer(flowFile, REL_FAILURE)
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11:52 AM
Solved Cluster-node users (who obviously execute these actions via rest-api or toolkit cli) had no permission to work with restricted components. Added permission, startet NiFi new and it works. Would by helpfull if somewhere a message would come up to tell that this is an authorization problem...
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12:32 PM
1 Kudo
Got it! There was one } missing. Thought if the editor shows the expression coloured it would by syntactical correct. So it has to be: ${RESPONSE:jsonPath('$.[0].id'):equals(${KONTO_BV}):
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