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2295 | 01-15-2017 04:38 PM |
04:38 PM
Dear All, I have been able to fix this problem by making Monit and Kibana bind to the IP address of the vagrant machine instead of to the present localhost that it is running. It is fixed now.
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11:06 AM
Hi Umesh Kaushik, No my issue persists and I do't know how to see the Kibana and Monit interfaces from outside the virtual machine vagrant. The ports are open from inside the virtual machine. Can you tell me how can we discuss this, I really want to get this thing working and I have a server machine which I am using for this purpose. If you can come into Skype, my skype id is: maziar.tasbihi Maziar
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10:35 AM
Dear Michael Young, I am using the Vagrant with the VirtualBox virtual machine on Ubuntu Linux. The vagrant machine with Metron is installed in a box just like described in the README of the Metron how to install Metron quickdev configuration. After running "vagrant up", I ended up with a Metron system which had only "Ambari" with all the servers installed, but there was no sign of Metron. Next, I run the "./run_ansible_role metron " , and after installation of extensible software,and installation of elastic-search and Kibana and everything else which Metron needs during installation, it came up with a system which had Kibana and Monit installed. I can now bring up the Metron system, and I can see that Kibana, Monit, etc. are installed, but very surprisingly the ports 2182 and 5000 which are of Monit and Kibana are only open in the vagrant virtual machine, they are not open from outside the virtual machine!! I somehow can read from Monit web interface from inside virtual machine, but when I open the port 2182 from outside virtual machine by accessing "node1:2182" , the port reports as closed (Note: nmap -A , reports the port is closed) . How I can get around this problem? I have tried forwarding the ports from virtualBox virtual machine so that port 2182 and 5000 are forwarded,but this did not solve this problem. I have also flushed the iptables both on my Ubuntu machine, and also on the vagrant virtualmachine with Metron. Can anybody point out how I can resolve this ? Best regards, Maziar
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08:38 PM
1 Kudo
Dear All, I have been able to finally run the Metron inside the vagrant virtual machine in the quickdev configuration. I have a very strange problem. The problem is as follows that while I am sure Ambari, Monit and Metron are installed and the various services are functional, I can just see the Ambari port 8080 outside the virtual machine. I mean that if I do http://node1:8080 outside the virtualmachine, I can see the Ambari view, but if I do http://node1:5000 or http://node1:2182 from the outside on the host machine, I cannot see these interfaces. The strange thing is that if I access the ports 5000 and 2182 on node1 from within the virtual machine, I can see that the ports are running and I can even telnet to these ports. What has happened that these ports are not accessible outside the virtualmachine ? I want to see these ports which are ofcourse the Monit and Kibana interfaces so I can control the server on the web interface. Could anyone point out what may be the cause of this ? I have also checked the Monit config file and it seems to be configured correctly, is there a configuration for Kibana which I have to double check? Also iptables is flushed on both the vagrant virtualmachine and also on the host server. Best regards, Maziar
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