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10:31 AM
I think I didn´t explain my problem well. Apologies in advance. I will try to explain it well. I have the next table: create table test1(name string, age int, dept array<string>) row format delimited fields terminated by ':' collection items terminated by ',' stored as textfile; Now, I load this next file: a:25:sales,marketing b:26:dev,qa With this file loaded, I want to update the table so that, for example, in the first line the array dept is [marketing, FINANCE]. I mean, I want to add a new value in this array. Thank you in advance.
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11:34 PM
Hi! I have created a table in hive like this: create table if not exists TablaCatalogo1 (name string, species string, varietal string, provenance string,
toast string, process string, formatt array<string>) row format delimited fields terminated by ':'
collection items terminated by ',' lines terminated by '\n'; in which formatt is a array of string. Now, I want to insert a new value in this array for a certain product. I tried to use a dummy table to insert the value but I didn´t get. Any way to do it? Thank you so much.
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Apache Hive