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10:45 PM
@chaitanya Kandula Just to compliment @Jay Kumar SenSharma 's answer in case you still find your file opened by multiple processes and gives you such type of error you may use the below-mentioned command to check the process using that file and then killing it to resume back normally. lsof <file-name> lsof /var/log/ambari-server/ambari-server.log Once, your sandbox is up and running check if your ambari server has come up properly or not. ambari-server status If it is up and running you will find the log file in the same location. I would suggest stop the ambari services, move the older files to some temporary location and then start the services to have a fresh look at the problem. mbari-server stop
mkdir -p /tmp/AmbariLogBackup
mv /var/log/ambari-server/* /tmp/AmbariLogBackup
ambari-server status
ambari-server start Once your ambari log creation problem is sorted try to perform the steps so that error messages will be logged into it. Also, do attach it here so that we can have a look at the problem Thanks. SKS
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