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04:01 PM
Is there a way to get the YARN jobs metadata by accessing the database directly( where it got stored)? There are multiple reasons and in order address to those I'm posting this question. 1) using API, automation is security risk as CURL requires user/password 2) API dumps the data in JSON format, which is not of uniform structure 3) so additional processing is required to cleanup the Json data before getting ready to load 4) Our Hadoop admin team notified that Cloudera dumps passwords inside the metadata, so the access to metadata tables ( currently resides in Oracle database) are not allowed as it create security issues. - appreciate if anyone can confirm on this point , as I do not have access to metadata to validate this. On the other Cloudera support deny this.. If this hurdle moves and gain access to metadata layer, the data can be directly loaded to HDFS.. thank in advance.
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Apache YARN