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12:51 AM
Hi Matt, I am able to use SiteToSiteBulletinReportingTask to consume error from bulletin board. I can get the bulletinGroupId, bulletinGroupName, bulletinMessage, bulletinSourceId, bulletinSourceName, bulletinSourceType and bulletinTimestamp attributes. But i am not able to figure out the way to get all flowfile attributes or flowfile details for which the failure has occured. For example: I am ingesting a file to hdfs from local directory , it will have some attribute like filename, location, size etc. and when some failure occurs while placing on hdfs, I must get (filename, location, size ) attributes along with failure details. Thanks, Mahipal
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05:18 AM
I am trying to read the error from bulletin board using InvokeHttp processor for a specific flowfile. But i am not able to get the error which is generated for a flowfile as it gives either all errors or error belonging to a processGroup(using rest-api to get processGroup id at root canvas for remote url ). The error has sourceId (id of processor generating error) and group id (id of ProcessGroup where error generating processor is located).
How can we get the sourceId(highlighted below) and ProcessGroup id as attribute with flowfile?
Is there any other way to read only that error which is being generated on bulletin-board for specific flowfile ?
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Apache NiFi