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01:24 PM
@niclyx I think you are diverging form the original query asked in this community question which has an accepted solution. When it comes to a mutual TLS exchange/handshake, this is not something NiFi created or has made any modification to. There are many different resources on the web to learn about MutualTLS and how it works. NiFi only cares that the TLS handshake was successful and if no other method of authentication was setup, it received a clientAuth certificate from which it will use the full DN as the identity for the authenticated user. I recommend starting a new community questions if you have new questions. Matt
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05:52 AM
Hello @Love-Nifi and @vchhipa , Thank you for posting your inquiry about timeouts. Without the full log, I can provide only some "if you see this, do that" kind of instructions. If you see an ERROR message with: org.apache.nifi.controller.UninheritableFlowException: Failed to connect node to cluster because local flow is different than cluster flow, then follow the below is the steps to resolve the issue: 1. Go to NIFi UI > Global Menu > Cluster 2. Check which host is the coordinator and login to that host on the shell. 3. Go to flow.xml.gz file location. [default location is /var/lib/nifi/conf/] 4. Copy flow.xml.gz on the disconnected node and replace the original flow.xml.gz with copied flow.xml.gz file. 5. Check permissions and ownership of newly copied flow.xml.gz file and then restart Nifi on the disconnected node only. If you are suspecting purely timeout issues, please attempt to tweak the below values in and restart the service: - nifi.cluster.node.protocol.threads=50 (Default 10) - nifi.cluster.node.connection.timeout=30 sec (Default 5 sec) - sec (Default 5 sec) Please find below a set of configurations that worth tuning on larger clusters based on The below are some example values for larger clusters (you need to tune it based on your unique setup): nifi.cluster.node.protocol.threads=70 nifi.cluster.node.protocol.max.threads=100 nifi.zookeeper.session.timeout=30 sec nifi.zookeeper.connect.timeout=30 sec nifi.cluster.node.connection.timeout=60 sec sec nifi.ui.autorefresh.interval=900 sec nifi.cluster.protocol.heartbeat.interval=20 sec nifi.components.status.repository.buffer.size=300 nifi.components.status.snapshot.frequency=5 mins nifi.cluster.node.protocol.max.threads=120 nifi.cluster.node.protocol.threads=80 sec nifi.cluster.node.connection.timeout=90 sec sec Please check if you notice any certificate related exception, like: WARN [Clustering Tasks Thread-2] o.apache.nifi.controller.FlowController Failed to send heartbeat due to: org.apache.nifi.cluster.protocol.ProtocolException: Failed marshalling 'HEARTBEAT' protocol message due to: Received fatal alert: bad_certificate In this case, create a new keystore and truststore and add client auth in the keystore. Best regards: Ferenc
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