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07:55 AM
Hi All,
I would like know regarding how can i verify or validate the SSL certificates expiry for all the hadoop components installed on my HDP cluster. Would really appreciate getting any help on methods to check the SSL certificates. Thanks
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- Labels:
Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP)
01:02 PM
@jsensharmaThanks for the quick response. I have learned that it is not a recommended option to increase the percentage for "yarn.nodemanager.disk-health-checker.max-disk-utilization-per-disk-percentage". And more over the disk space has already reached 98%. I think I need to free some disk space. But was just curious what kind of data can I be able to clear in the data directory. Any suggestions. 2. Can there be a scenario that a Rouge yarn application is filling up the data in that particular data node. If so how can I check that. Thanks in Advance.
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11:49 AM
In my HDP cluster the Data Directory on one particular Data Node is almost Full (98%), while other data node data directories are below 60%. How can I know why HDFS is writing data into that one particular Data Node. I am worried if this might effect the cluster performance and would like to know how can I distribute the data to different data nodes. Can I use the rebalance hdfs in HDFS > Service Actions. This is also giving node manager unhealthy alert has the threshold limit is set to 90%. If I need to clean up the disk what kind of data do I need to consider. Kindly respond for the issue.
Thanks in advance.
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- Labels:
Apache Hadoop