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05:16 PM
Hi Piyush, Additionally, you can try using the following commands: hawq stop segment -M fast If the above does not work stop with option "immediate" should kill the process for you: hawq stop segment -M immediate If you do not provide any option with -M the stop/shutdown uses "smart" mode which does not really kill anything if there is any active connection or query.
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01:30 PM
2 Kudos
@Piyush Routray Not sure I am clear with what you mean by "I intend to have a separate NiFi cluster than the HDF cluster". Are you installing just NiFi via command line? - You can install NiFi using command line and utilize the embedded zk. When you get to the download HDF section of the "Command Line Installation" documentation, go to the bottom of the list to download just the NiFi tar.gz file. The relevant docs for this are found here: Are you trying to install NIFi via HDF's Ambari? - The Ambari based installation of HDF will install an external ZK for you and setup NiFi to use it for you. Thanks, Matt
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12:06 AM
For me this solved the problem. I was initially doing the cloud.cfg change on all the HAWQ hosts but ignoring one of the master nodes as it was not supposed to have HAWQ components. However, I had configured for using the YARN scheduler for which that node was master. This dependency was creating the above mentioned problem.
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