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5562 | 04-09-2014 12:20 PM |
12:20 PM
1 Kudo
Hi straightdrive -
This really depends on the web framework powering this. The short answer is that you'll visualize data using D3JS the same way you would if the data came from MySQL, or Postgres, etc. Your client will make API calls to your web server, which will in return make SQL calls to Impala,MySQL,Postgres,etc, and then send the data back to the client (JSON, XML, etc) so that it can be visualized. The client (D3JS) will typically never talk to the database (Impala) directly.
If you're writing your web server in Java, you'll want to look at JDBC. If you're writing it in C#/ASP.NET, or something that can talk ODBC, then you should use the Impala ODBC driver. If you want to use Python or Ruby, take a look out on Github...there's some libraries to help you out there too:
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12:00 PM
Hey there - I am really sorry for not replying back, I forgot to subscribe to thread. Have you got this issue worked out already? If so, it would be nice to get the fix so we can close the loop. If not, I suspect its because you need more of the Parquet JARs in that CDH directory. Is this exception being thrown from the Hive shell or the Impala shell? Run the following command for me, so I can see where the JARs currently are. $ find /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/lib/hive/ -name "parquet*.jar" Also, is this using the Hive Metastore server? Make sure to restart that, as well as Impala and try again.
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02:52 PM
Hi Derek - In order to allow compatibilty between Impala and Hive, Parquet backed tables after 1.1.1 contain additional metadata about the file format. Run the following commands (in Hive) to update your metadata. ALTER TABLE table_name SET SERDE 'parquet.hive.serde.ParquetHiveSerDe';
INPUTFORMAT "parquet.hive.DeprecatedParquetInputFormat"
OUTPUTFORMAT "parquet.hive.DeprecatedParquetOutputFormat";
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