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08:04 AM
@Bilal_Hammas Please share the output of the below 2 commands from the working cluster >> $ echo $ORACLE_HOME >> $ echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH
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02:28 AM
@Bilal_Hammas Seems like you do not have the below 2 global parameters exported in the problematic cluster Hue node and these libraries are needed to sync LDAP users into Hue DB when you use an Oracle DB as a backend database to Hue. To check that please run the below command in the Hue node >> $ echo $ORACLE_HOME >> $ echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH If the above 2 commands return no values then the error that you hitting is expected. Please export these 2 parameters in the Hue hosted node. >> log in to the Hue node say for example with the root user >> Find the path where you have instantclient installed >> $locate instantclient >> Copy the instantclient path from the above command and replace it with /path/instantclient in the below command >> $ export ORACLE_HOME=</path/instantclient> >> Check again if you can see the value >> $ echo $ORACLE_HOME >> Then export the LD library path by running >> $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/lib >>Check again if you can see the value >> $ echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH >> Then try to sync ldap groups again with hue and share your observations.
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06:23 AM
Please try the below actions 1) Stop the Hue 2) $ ps -ef | grep -i <user-running-hue-process> if you still see the process is running kill the process by running $ pkill -U <user-running-hue-process> 3) $ netstat -tulpn | grep 8888 If there is any pid then kill $ kill -9 <pid-holding-port> 4) Star the Hue
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