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02:58 PM
Thanks for clarifying the question, but I'm afraid I still don't know what you are trying to achieve. Based on your example I understand you have 10K records/documents with phone number P1 and 20K records/documents with phone number P2. You are retrieving all 10K documents only in a single query? And you want the performance of 10K row P1 query to be the same as a 10K row P2 query. Is that right? Solr was never built to retrieve large number of objects at one time. It's meant for faceted-search that returns humanly consumable number of records in the result set (see pagination). Are you doing this for UI display or for integration purposes? There is some useful documentation here on getting large number of records from Solr. It would be helpful if you shared your query, what your data structure is, and what is the use case. That way the community can better understand the problem and provide potential solution.
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