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1062 | 06-05-2020 10:55 AM |
09:53 AM
1 Kudo
If the goal is to retrieve the file from Server A, process it on Server B and then move them to Server C... Use ListSFTP to retrieve the file list from Server A Use FetchSFTP to retrieve the file from Server A and copy it into a flowfile on Server B. In the processor Properties, set Property Completion Strategy to "Delete File". That will remove the file from Server A after it is successfully turned into a flowfile. Use PutSFTP to copy the flowfiles out to a file on Server C I think that accomplishes what you want and the file is still in NiFi on Server B for whatever additional processing is needed.
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01:18 PM
I suspect you have not completed a step, or missing something. The cacerts works for me in all cases if the cert is publicly trusted (standard public cert from public CA) which it should be. You should share info on the configurations you tried and what if any errors you got from that. The bare minimum settings you need for that are keystore (file location), password, key type (jks), and TLS version. Assuming you copied your java cacert file to all nodes as /nifi/ssl/cacerts the controller service properties should look like: If cacerts doesnt work, then you must create keystores and/or trust stores with the public cert. Use the openssl command to get the cert. That command looks like: openssl s_client -connect You can also get it from the browser when you visit the elk interface; for example cluster health, or indexes. Double click cert lock icon in the browser then use the browser's interface to see/view/download public certificate. You need the .cer or .crt file. Then you use the cert to create the keystore with keytool commands. An example is: keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias ambari -file cert.cer -keystore keystore.jks Once you have created a keystore/truststore file you need to copy it to all nifi nodes, ensure the correct ownership, and make sure all the details are correct in the SSL Context Service. Lastly you may need to modify the TLS type until testing works. Here is working example of getting the cert and using it with keytool from a recent use case: echo -n|openssl s_client -connect | sed -ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p' > publiccert.crt keytool -import -file publiccert.crt -alias astra -keystore keyStore.jks -storepass password -noprompt keytool -import -file publiccert.crt -alias astra -keystore trustStore.jks -storepass password -noprompt mkdir -p /etc/nifi/ssl/ cp *.jks /etc/nifi/ssl chown -R nifi:nifi /etc/nifi/ssl/
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07:35 AM
@mburgessany suggestions? at the moment I am using SplitRecord -> PutElasticsearchHttpRecord and splitting it into 100,000 but it's pretty slow in comparison
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07:32 AM
Did you ever find a workaround/solution for this?
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10:55 AM
1 Kudo
Figured it out using GetSFTP
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06:46 AM
1 Kudo
@HarshR No problem..... Centos with a Desktop not working right, NOoooooo say it aint so....
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