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02:49 PM
@paras ,Please find workflow.xml as below. <workflow-app name="Customer_Journey_FirstActions_Events_Set2" xmlns="uri:oozie:workflow:0.5"> <credentials> <credential name="hs2-cred" type="hive2"> <property> <name>hive2.jdbc.url</name> <value>jdbc:hive2://adcuxxxx.adcbmis.local:10001/db_appldigi;transportMode=http;httpPath=cliservice</value> </property> <property> <name>hive2.server.principal</name> <value>hive/adcuxxxx.adcbmis.local@xxxxxMIS.LOCAL</value> </property> </credential> </credentials> <start to="Trash1"/> <action name="Trash1" cred="hs2-cred"> <fs> <name-node>${nameNode}</name-node> <delete path="/user/anja21614/.Trash"></delete> </fs> <ok to="FirstActions2"/> <error to="kill"/> </action> <action name="FirstActions2" cred="hs2-cred"> <hive2 xmlns="uri:oozie:hive2-action:0.2"> <job-tracker>${resourceManager}</job-tracker> <name-node>${nameNode}</name-node> <configuration> <property> <name>fs.trash.interval</name> <value>0</value> </property> <property> <name>hive.exec.scratchdir</name> <value>/appldigi/tmp</value> </property> </configuration> <jdbc-url>jdbc:hive2://adcuxxxx.adcbmis.local:10001/db_appldigi;transportMode=http;httpPath=cliservice</jdbc-url> <script>FirstActions2.hql</script> <param></param> <file>/user/anja21614/CustomerJourney/FirstActions2.hql</file> </hive2> <ok to="Trash3"/> <error to="kill"/> </action> <action name="Trash3" cred="hs2-cred"> <fs> <name-node>${nameNode}</name-node> <delete path="/user/anja21614/.Trash"></delete> </fs> <ok to="end"/> <error to="kill"/> </action> <kill name="kill"> <message>${wf:errorMessage(wf:lastErrorNode())}</message> </kill> <end name="end"/> </workflow-app> please note you can find scratch directory configuration in workflow which I just added. Please check and let me know if the configuration is correctly mentioned, I had already tried this configuration in Ambari hive which was giving me error.
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09:22 AM
Hi Vidya I am unable to put forward new thread. I dont see an option for that. I have marked this thread as new as it is most related to my current issue.Also I have replied to Paras for that post.
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09:14 AM
@paras , Thanks a lot for your reply. The solution you had provided was for spark oozie action. I was able to solve this using the same configuration --conf spark.hadoop.dfs.user.home.dir.prefix=/tmp 2 days ago. This was during ingestion part of flow. So ultimately my sqoop and spark jobs are redirecting any .Trash to my tmp directory which has enough quota. Now I am facing this issue with Hive action where I am not sure of such configuration equivalend to --conf spark.hadoop.dfs.user.home.dir.prefix=/appldigi/tmp or Can you please guide on this . I am unable to solve this. I am trying to execute hiveql which is insert overwrite script. I have already tried auto.purge = true option which is not working
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09:12 AM
@paras , Thanks a lot for your reply. The solution you had provided was for spark oozie action. I was able to solve this using the same configuration --conf spark.hadoop.dfs.user.home.dir.prefix=/tmp 2 days ago. This was during ingestion part of flow. So ultimately my sqoop and spark jobs are redirecting any .Trash to my tmp directory which has enough quota. Now I am facing this issue with Hive action where I am not sure of such configuration equivalend to --conf spark.hadoop.dfs.user.home.dir.prefix=/appldigi/tmp or Can you please guide on this . I am unable to solve this. I am trying to execute hiveql which is insert overwrite script. I have already tried auto.purge = true option which is not working
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01:02 AM
@VidyaSargur , I had started a new thread for the issue, and no solution received. So i was digging out old posts. My thread :- This issue is causing trouble in my org and unable to solve.
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12:40 PM
Is ther any solution for this issue. I am facing same issue. Table is holding very huge data and while doing insert overwrite , files are getting placed in my user directory, /user/anjali/.Trash, causing hive action in oozie to fail after 1.5 hr long run. Please help. The table is external and ev even I changed it to internal table, auto purge = true is not working.
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12:39 PM
Hi , I am facing same issue. Table is holding very huge data and while doing insert overwrite , files are getting placed in my user directory, /user/anjali/.Trash, causing hive action in oozie to fail after 1.5 hr long run. Please help. The table is external and ev even I changed it to internal table, auto purge = true is not working.
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08:39 AM
Hi Paras, autopurge=true will not work for external tables. I tried this and its not working. In spark there is one configuration --conf spark.hadoop.dfs.user.home.dir.prefix=/tmp --executor-memory 5G --num-executors 5, which directed the .Trash files to Temperory directory. Now same I want to implement for Hiveql through oozie action and looking for parameters to redirect the temporary directory to /tmp.
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03:05 PM
Hi All I am receiving below error while running my spark job which does insert overwrite of table. Caused by: org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RemoteException(org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.DSQuotaExceededException): The DiskSpace quota of /user/anj is exceeded: quota = 3221225472 B = 3 GB but diskspace consumed = 4638218516 B = 4.32 GB at org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.DirectoryWithQuotaFeature.verifyStoragespaceQuota( at org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.DirectoryWithQuotaFeature.verifyQuota( at org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSDirectory.verifyQuota( at org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSDirRenameOp.verifyQuotaForRename( at org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSDirRenameOp.unprotectedRenameTo( I have configured below python code in oozie to perform insert overwrite for multiple types of files. import argparse from pyspark.sql import SparkSession import re def read_file(src_path, file_typ): df = None if file_typ.lower() == "parquet": df = elif file_typ.lower() == "avro": df ="com.databricks.spark.avro").load(src_path) return df def create_query(db_nm,tab_nm,db_dir,comp_typ,file_typ): file_typ = file_typ.lower() # get the colums in string with its datatype cols_df = spark.sql("describe local_tab_" + tab_nm ) col_lst = x:str(x.col_name + ' ' + x.data_type)).collect() cols = ",".join(col_lst) cols = cols.lower() # query to create table query = "create table if not exists " + db_nm + "." + tab_nm + "(" + cols + ")" + " stored as " + file_typ + " location '" + db_dir + tab_nm + "' tblproperties('" + file_typ + ".compress'='" + comp_typ + "')" out = spark.sql(query) return query def insert_cols_query(db_nm,tab_nm): # get the colums in string cols_df = spark.sql("show columns in local_tab_" + tab_nm ) col_lst = x:str(x.col_name)).collect() cols = ",".join(col_lst) cols = cols.lower() spark.sql("set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict") # get the columns in string without the p_col column query = "insert overwrite table " + db_nm + "." + tab_nm + " select " + cols + " from local_tab_" + tab_nm out = spark.sql(query) return query def get_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--tabname",help="table name") parser.add_argument("--fileformat",help="fileformat") args = parser.parse_args() if args.tabname: tabname = args.tabname if args.fileformat: fileformat = args.fileformat return (tabname,fileformat) if __name__ == "__main__": arg = get_args() tab_nm = arg[0] file_typ = arg[1] #### code ######## src_path="/appldigi/data/raw/landing/" + tab_nm db_nm="db_appldigi" db_dir="/appldigi/hive/db_appldigi/" comp_typ="snappy" spark = SparkSession.builder.enableHiveSupport().getOrCreate() df = read_file(src_path, file_typ) df.createOrReplaceTempView("local_tab_" + tab_nm ) chk_tab = spark.sql("show tables in " + db_nm) flag_tab_exists = chk_tab.filter(chk_tab.isTemporary=='false').filter(chk_tab.tableName==tab_nm.lower()).count() out="" if flag_tab_exists==0: # should not happened out = create_query(db_nm,tab_nm,db_dir,comp_typ,file_typ) out = insert_cols_query(db_nm,tab_nm) print out
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Apache Hive
Apache Spark